Independence Centre



Selamat Siang

Wominjeka! (Welcome!)


This week in the Independence Center we have continued our camp projects by adding menus and procedures to our camp folders. We have so many different meals and activities in our camp, we can't wait to share them with you. We also used symmetry to design our own mascots and flags! 


Dwaginin! (goodbye/I'll see you later)



Have a great week!

Emma Honan, Katrina Chooi, Kathy Wang, Ros Walker, Emily Baker, Lauren Tillotson

Student Voice:

  • "My favourite activity this week was making a model of my camp in maths" Amber S
  • "I enjoyed the SRC senior trivia" Anna R
  • "I loved ICE where i got to cook snow white cookies" - Harper C
  • "I got to play soccer in PE" - Sahib P


  • Curriculum Day on Monday 6th November
  • Please ensure your child/s has a named hat at school
  • Remembrance Day service on Friday 10th November at 10.50am

Pupil of the Week

3/4C: Leo L

For demonstrating a love of learning by challenging yourself to include adverbs and prepositional phrases for extra detail in your 'How to prepare for the Giant Zipline' procedure. 


3/4H: Mia T

For showcasing life-long learning and perseverance when identifying verbs and adverbs in procedural texts. Your enthusiasm during this task was infectious!


3/4RB: Sakina K

For working hard to act on feedback provided to you in conferences by your teachers and peers. It's great to see you apply strategies to further improve your work. 


3/4T: Ollie M

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when creating your camp flag. You used a range of shapes to make your piece unique!


3/4W: Elsa F

For consistently demonstrating enthusiasm and a growth mindset when completing your tasks. Great effort seeking feedback to uplevel your procedural text!