Leadership Centre


Selamat siang, 

Bike Ed

This week in the Leadership Centre, the 5/6s had an exciting opportunity to participate in Bike Ed. The program aims to teach students essential bike riding skills, including safety guidelines, road rules, and bike maintenance. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn valuable skills while having fun on their bikes.


One of the things the students learned was how to put on their helmet correctly. Wearing a helmet is crucial for bike riders, and the students were taught to ensure their helmet is snug and positioned correctly on their head. They also learned the ABCD’s of bike maintenance. Air Brake Chains & Drop.


We also learned how to cope with the uneven surfaces when riding a bike. The first rotation we looped around the oval to test us riding on uneven surfaces like grass and rocky areas. We also did the riding slowest test - this test made nearly everyone fall down! 


Another essential aspect of Bike Ed is learning how to ride safely on the road. The students learned how to stop and give way to pedestrians. They were also taught how to ride defensively, which means anticipating potential hazards and being aware of their surroundings. That was our second rotation.


The last rotation was how to comfortably speed across. This is where we had to go around the large 8 as fast as we could. The record was set by Charlie Williams with a time of 16.41 seconds. 


On Thursday the year six’s went on a road ride. There were three groups - everyone tried their best and had heaps of fun! First we went down Mount Pleasant Road through Wendy Street then down to Felicia Dale and ended up on Betula Avenue followed by Eugenia. We then went around the roundabout and up to Diosma Street, through to Lorikeet Road leaving us on Mount Pleasant Road again… we put our bikes away as the other group headed off for their adventure!


Overall, Bike Ed was a great success, and the students had a lot of fun while learning essential skills. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to learn how to ride safely and responsibly, and we look forward to seeing them put their new skills into practice. We would like to thank the teachers for their time and effort in teaching our students these valuable skills. 


-Ryan, Arsheya, Ivy & Elise (5/6L)


HoMie Incursion

This term in Guided Inquiry, we have been exploring the unit of “Earn and Learn”. We are working in small groups to create our own businesses such as: op shops, sports equipment hire, and digital accessories etc.


This Tuesday we had a special guest originally from our local community, Nick Pearce. He is the owner of HoMie, a streetwear clothing brand. His goal and passion is to support people experiencing homelessness and/or hardship. 


After an inspiring talk, he joined us in the Leadership Centre to give us guidance

 around our business plans, tips about how to run a successful business and inspire us to explore our “unique selling point”. 


We are thankful for the opportunity to talk to Nick and feel inspired to take on his feedback to improve our business.


- Andrea, Aashvi and Kimaya (5/6L)



  • Graduation tickets, rehearsal excursion information up on Sentral
  • Year 6 Celebration notice is up on Sentral
  • Melbourne Cup Holiday on Monday and Tuesday... see you on Wednesday!

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Blake F

For demonstrating enthusiasm and responsibility during our Bike Ed sessions this week. You particularly showed great leadership supporting other students on the road ride!


5/6D: Sasha F

Well done using your strength of persistence when improving your riding skills during our Bike Education program!


5/6GD: Ethan C

For demonstrating enthusiasm and maturity during the Earn and Learn job interviews. You did a fantastic job answering the questions.


5/6J: Shashank G

For demonstrating enthusiasm when participating in Bike Education. You improved your skills in learning new road rules and safety when riding a bike.


5/6L: Stella W

For demonstrating perseverance and bravery during Bike Education. You participated enthusiastically in all activities and improved your knowledge of road rules and safety.