Principal's Message

Term 4 Week 5

Congratulations Amanda Nelson and Sam Tang 

Amanda and Tom welcomed Noah Thomas last Friday, a little brother for Abby. 




Sam and Kelvin welcomed Isaac last Saturday a little brother for Ezra.

All are doing well and at home, enjoying lots of cuddles.

Foundation 2024

Foundation 2024 Information evening was held last night, with presentations from the class teachers and a visit up to the classrooms. Next year after feedback form our current Foundation families, we will be holding all Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Interviews for Foundation students in the first week of school from Tuesday 30th January each day until Friday 2nd February. This means that Foundation students will then start school together on Monday 5th of February. Teachers for Foundation in 2024 will be Cassie Brisbane FC, Tegan Kitteringham FT and Emma Honan FE.

Staff are moving to selecting the name they want to be known by. Some want to move away from using a title. and this will be reflected in the class name too.

Sentral Calendar

Don't forget there is a calendar on Sentral that shows more events than our Important Dates page. You can access this through the Sentral App.

Staffing Update for 2024

We are letting our community know that we have some teachers doing different things in 2024.

Ally Brown is looking at studying and other opportunities. Ally has taken personal leave for the remainder of the year.

Lauren Tillotson will be moving overseas.

Kaine Jenkins will be looking for other teaching opportunities.

Treesje Butterworth will be taking time to complete her studies.

Emily Baker will be looking for opportunities closer to home.

We will have make sure to wish our amazing staff that are moving on, well in their new endeavours at Assemblies and in class celebrations. They will be missed and we look forward to hearing of their future adventures. And as often happens they will always be welcome back at MPRPS.

A summary of staff for 2024 at this stage:

Year 1/2

Kate Molloy/Mel Seadon, Amanda Martin, Suzie Moroney/Emma McCoy, Shaye Arnell (new teacher), Melinda Emmett (new teacher)

Year 3/4

Brooke Henwood, Ros Walker, Katrina Chooi, Kathy Wang/Ciara Corless, New Teacher

Year 5/6

Em Glen/Erin Dawson, Fatima Sewani, Nick Dix, Jess Hirvonen, New Teacher


Science - Stephanie Muratovic/Beth Cardwell

PE - Hamish Burrill

Performing Arts - Lyn Watson

Visual Arts - Yana Gill

Indonesian - Marissa Mundy

Kitchen/Garden - Yana Gill/Marissa Mundy

MiniLIt Sage/TLI - Tania Hosken




Year 5/6 Bike Education

From figure of eight riding, learning how to use gears correctly to formation riding the Year 5's and 6's participated in Bike Education this week. Students started the program at different levels of skill and confidence and worked through a range of activities to improve and consolidate riding a bike safely. The Year 6's applied their knowledge and skill acquisition on their road ride which saw students navigate the secondary streets close to the school. Students

were able to transition from single formation then pair formation and vice versa safely, 

indicate right at a T intersection and navigate a roundabout safely. Students also were able to choose the best gear to assist them when riding up Diosma Crescent which for most is the most challenging part of the ride. We thank the Leadership Centre teachers for planning and conducting the session. Life-long learning was certainly at play during this program and we look forward to hearing of how students are continuing to improve their riding skills when spending time with their family and friends.