Free Yoga Classes - EOI
Yoga / Meditation Teacher: Carla Lewinsmith, EPS Parent
Free Yoga Classes - EOI
Yoga / Meditation Teacher: Carla Lewinsmith, EPS Parent
Carla, a parent and member of the EPS community has offered to teach some free lunchtime yoga classes to the students at EPS.
These classes will cover:
Carla is a registered Meditation Australia teacher and a Yoga Alliance teacher with six years experience teaching both locally and internationally and looks forward to creatively bringing these practices to EPS.
Yoga sessions will held at lunchtime between 1.45pm- 2.15pm and each week a different year level will have an opportunity to participate. Places are limited by physical space so please pop your details down (Before the end of the week) if you are interested in your child attending - Yoga expression of interest. If we have an overwhelming response we may be able to run some additional sessions.
Dates for each year level:
Tuesday 21st November - Prep
Tuesday 28th November - Years 1-2
Tuesday 5th December - Years 3-4
Tuesday 12th December - Years 5-6
If your child is interested in participating, could you please return the consent form below to: Friday 17th November.