Xavier C - Prep A
Xavier is to be commended on his efforts in Reading and Writing this Semester. He approaches his learning with a positive attitude and is eager to learn new things. Xavier is persistent when reading, practising different strategies to solve unfamiliar words. When writing, Xavier works carefully to write letters for the sounds he hears. Keep up the wonderful work, Xavier!
Maxwell W - 1A
Maxwell is to be commended on his efforts in literacy this year. Despite being away from the classroom for an extended period of time, Maxwell continued to challenge himself, particularly in his writing. He has improved his letter spacing and formation, as well as his use of lowercase letters. Throughout the year he has grown as a writer by including a clear writer’s voice and using excellent vocabulary. Maxwell is also a passionate reader and has worked diligently towards improving his fluency and expression whilst reading. Fabulous work Max!
Poppy L - 2C
Poppy has worked hard over the year to develop and strengthen her skills as a writer. She is to be congratulated for using her growth mindset and applying herself to all writing tasks. This was shown when she created a wonderful persuasive piece on why everyone should come to EPS, using the Green Zone as an example to support one of her reasons to convince her audience.
Luca M - Prep B
Luca has shown perseverance and determination this term during our Maths Workshops. He has put lots of effort into his work, practising to accurately record the number, collection and word. Luca takes on feedback from Miss Feldtmann and self corrects to make sure that he is doing his best work.
Congratulations, Luca!
Ty H - 1B
Ty is to be commended on his dedication to his learning during maths workshops. He is consistently looking for ways to extend on and demonstrate his understanding. Recently Ty has excelled in developing his mathematical language, particularly around the concepts of chance and also location where he used familiar landmarks and directional language to give directions.
Congratulations Ty!
Felix B- 2A
For demonstrating his strong understanding during our investigation into fractions. This term, he has worked hard to expand upon his previous knowledge and extend himself. He has shown an impressive grasp of the equivalence of various fractions and has stretched his knowledge of fractions to be able to identify and work with eighths.
Matilda T - Prep B
Matilda shows genuine curiosity by asking questions and sharing her wonderings about the world around her. She is curious about learning and always asking “why?” to find out answers and build her understanding of the world around her. Matilda takes charge of her learning by putting in effort and showing resilience.
Keep up the curious mind, Matilda!
Orlando R - 1B
Orlando has shown a great deal of curiosity this semester by enthusiastically sharing his thinking and wonderings to the class and continuously making connections to all learning areas.
As well as asking questions to better understand the world around us, Orlando is often adds curiosities and inspiration to his writers notebook. I look forward to seeing what you create with these Orlando!
Cora H - 2A
This term, Cora has demonstrated that she is a curious learner through her thoughts and wonderings as a part of our big question “What is it made of and why?”. During our tuning-in phase, Cora put a lot of thought into the materials she selected for her group's boat, and she showed a great understanding of the importance of reducing waste and recycling, sharing her ideas with the class. Well done Cora!
Personal Excellence
Zach H - Prep C
Zach has worked incredibly hard to show our school value of personal excellence this term; putting in a huge amount of effort to complete tasks, even those he finds really difficult. For the entire year, Zach’s persistence and dedication to grow as a learner has been outstanding. Well done, Zach!
Ebony W - 1C
Throughout the year, Ebony has consistently demonstrated Responsibility by coming to school ready to learn. She exhibits a dedicated approach to maintaining her personal belongings in an organised and tidy manner, and she extends this considerate attitude to ensuring a clean and orderly classroom environment that benefits everyone. Ebony consistently treats others with respect and kindness and readily lends a helping hand to her peers. Ebony, your efforts have been truly commendable!
Rafael M - 2B
As a responsible and dedicated member of 2B, Rafael comes to class every day ready to learn. He takes great pride and care in his work. He is always actively listening to his peers and teachers. Rafael is a respectful and kind hearted member of 2B who willingly offers to help others and does so with a smile on his face. In term 4, he has taken responsibility for his own learning, working hard in all learning areas to make significant progress. You are a superstar Rafael!