Grade 1 Poetry

Swimming Lessons (Haiku)

You will learn to swim

You could wear a life jacket

if it's really deep


by Trixie McInnes 1B





Simile Star Wars Poem


Imagine a Grogu as sticky as some snow-goo,

Imagine a Droid as big as an asteroid,

Imagine a Clone as robotic as a phone.


by Xander Young 1B





Winter (Haiku)


Freezing cold water

Snow falling slowly downwards

Icy cold snowballs


by Oscar Roocke 1B





Ice Cream Scoop (Alliteration)    1C:

Licorice Lemon Leaves     

by Leo Roberts


Pineapple Partycake Popcorn 

by Hugo Boothroyd


Coffee  Cabbage Cat

by Bonnie Begely


Mustard Mayonnaise marshmallow

by Louie Dodemaide



Swimming (Haiku)

Freestyle is so fun

The water is very hot

Goggles don’t go well


by Harry Statham 1A



School (Haiku)

Learning, Maths, Reading

Writing, Art, P.E. and S.T.E.M.

Now it’s Hometime!


by Maxine  McIlvray  1A



Season Poem: Summer

Amazing Summer

Cold, cold, yummy ice-cream

Happy, calm, warm beach!


by Matilda Gilbert-Kent   1A



The Geelong Show (Sensory Poem)

I hear people cheering for the Monster Trucks

I see artwork

I smell chips

I feel my showbag in my hands

I taste strawberries with chocolate on top


by Jack Cosgrave     1C