Primary School 

It’s been an exciting week in the Primary School with our annual Community Wild Space Walk on Thursday and our Year Threes enjoying their first camp experience on Friday. On Monday, our Year Fives delivered their leadership speeches to their Houses and displayed their campaign posters. On Wednesday, the Year Threes ran an icy-treats stall with their homemade ice-creams, sundaes and slushies. 


Community Wild Space Walk

Thank you to Mrs Hayley Ranger for running our Community Wild Space Walk this year and to Ms Diletti, Mrs Craig, Mr Hardey and Ms Nichols for supporting the walk and BBQ. It was lovely to showcase our beautiful campus, which our ECC students regularly enjoy, with our students, their families and members of the community. Many tiny legs made the trek from Wild Space One all the way along to Wild Space Two, thanks to a very low tide. Our Year Eleven leaders walked with us, helped prepare the BBQ and played games with the children afterwards. 


Year One Inquiry

As part of the Year One inquiry unit ‘How we use light and sound in celebrations’, our Year One students learnt about Diwali (The Festival of Lights).  The Year Ones made their own diya candle holders, tasted delicious sweet-treats, dressed up in traditional Indian costumes and decorated rangoli patterns outside the classroom (to bring good luck and wealth).  They had so much fun! Thank you Mrs Fiona Gouldthorp and our parent volunteers for coordinating this experience.


Year Three Camp

Our Year Threes got their first school camp experience on Friday with a day spent in the sun at Castle Rock followed by a sleepover with pizza and a campfire at school. A big thank you to Mr Hardey for his organisation and for safely escorting everyone up the Granite Skywalk. Ms Nichols stayed overnight with our students and Ms Le Roux and Mrs Cameron supported our students throughout the day with a band of parent helpers.


Curriculum Spotlight – Inquiry

Learning through an inquiry lens means giving students the opportunity to explore new concepts with a hands-on approach. Our Year Fives have been learning about coding this term. After some explicit lessons on coding, they have been putting their knowledge into practice with the Spheros and Beebots. Learning through play, students have been exploring the possibilities of programming with these devices through an array of hands-on activities. We have completed the Beebot Olympics, created animations and games with Scratch, had a Sphero grand prix and, this week, played Sphero soccer and attempted to write our names with textas attached to the Beebots.


School Values and ECC Stars of the Week

Well done to this week’s ECC Stars of the Week: Eymen Carter, Maria Grosshans and Teddy Davison.  Our Compassion Values award winners were: Elliott Ruffell, Freya Standish and Alexander Standish.

Upcoming Events

Week Six

Monday 13 November - House Leader voting

Wednesday 15 November - Interschool Athletics

Thursday 16 November - Primary School Orientation Day

Friday 17 November - Year Three Chapel


Weeks Seven and Eight

Swimming lessons Pre-Primary to Year Six at ALAC


Week Eight

Thursday 30 November - ECC Beach Fun Day

Friday 1 December - Primary School End of Year House games


Week Nine

Monday 4 December, 4.00pm - Year Six Celebration & Exhibition

Tuesday 5 December, 9.00am - Primary School Awards Ceremony

Tuesday 5 December, 11.00am - Christmas Concert


Wishing you an enjoyable long weekend and I look forward to seeing members of the Primary School visiting the GSG stall at the Albany Show.


Mrs Leah Field | Head of Primary