P&F News

P&F Meeting and AGM

Wednesday 15 November 2023 at 6.00pm in the Pratten Centre Meeting Room.


2023 P&F AGM Nominations (cognitoforms.com)

DIGS Kite Flying Afternoon

Sunday 5 November saw half a dozen dads and around a dozen kids join in the kite flying afternoon.  At one point the sky over the GSG football oval looked quite spectacular with multiple kites flying beautifully in quite close formation.  Unfortunately, the photos don't really do the event justice.


With all the running around trying to get kites in the air a good appetite was worked up such that sausage sizzle also went down a treat.


The general consensus was that we should definitely do it again next year!

DIGS Next Meeting

The next regular monthly meeting will be on Wednesday 6 December,pstairs at the Premier Hotel from 6.30pm.  All fathers and father figures welcome.

Join our 'DIGS at GSG' Facebook Group 

Don't forget to join our private Facebook group 'DIGS at GSG' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join too!


Luke Murnane, President

0417 944 789


David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176