St Mary's School Fete 2023

St Mary's School Fete
Fete Update
Thank you to our volunteers. Each volunteer is required to complete the following Volunteer Induction form.
Please follow the link & complete the steps by Monday 13th November.
Almost 2 weeks until the Fete!
A huge thank you to all that have helped with the preparation & organisation so far!
All volunteers including stall volunteers are required to have a WWCC and complete our St Mary’s Induction.
Completing this will mean that you are able to volunteer for many classroom activities, excursions, camps etc. so if you can find the time, we strongly encourage all families to complete the following LINK. Thank you!
This is our first fete since 2019, so we have included some FAQ as well as further fete information.
How many tokens will we need?
1 token is equal to 1 dollar, and items will sell for between 2-15 tokens depending on the item/activity.
Do I need to order pre sale?
Pre sale means you won’t have to line up to buy tokens and you will skip the line up quey.
Tokens can be purchased on the day if you run out or would prefer to buy them on the day.
Can I buy an unlimited wristband on the day of the fete?
Can I buy a showbag on the day of the fete?
No, show bags need to be preordered by Friday 3rd November, see flyer attached. They will be available for collection at the fete.
Can I still sponsor?
Yes, please email if you are able to sponsor our fete.
How do I Volunteer?
Please get in touch with your parent rep to help out on the day. All volunteers require a WWCC and to complete our induction.
We ask all families to volunteer at least 30 minutes of their time, thank you.
Cash vs Card
You are able to purchase tokens using eftpos on the day of the fete.
We ask that you bring some cash/coins as our cake stall & book stall are cash only.
Most other stalls will be token only.
Are you looking for donations?
We will be in touch over the next week asking for some donations of different items including books, stuffed animals as well as goodies for our lucky bags & baked goods.
We appreciate all contributions. Thank you!