Catholic Identity

The Feast of All Saints Day & The Commemoration of All Souls
On November the 1st and 2nd of each year, our Church has two significant feast days. All Saint Day, celebrates the many venerated Saints of our Catholic Church, from all times, like our four house colour Saints: St. Brigid, St. Anne, St. Joseph and St. Augustine. All Souls day, which we celebrated today, with the sacrament of Eucharist, commemorates all the faithfully departed. On this day we remember the holy men and women of every time and place. We remember too, all those whose lives we have experienced the love of God. During the introduction the Year Five students presented symbols such as:
- A coloured cloth, recognising the many ways there are to follow God and the many ways in which Catholics commemorate All Souls Day all over the world.
- The calendar page of November, in November, we remember, the month is dedicated to remember those who were faithful to God and people who have left their earthly world.
- Incense sticks, our church has a great tradition of honouring and respecting the memories of those who have passed. Grief is the heaviest of burdens. The words of Jesus encourage us to bring our burdens to him and he will bear them with us. The incense burning offers our prayers to God.
- Images of our four Saints - house colours. Throughout this week, Learners during prayer gave thanks to Our four Saints that represent our House Colours. Our Church, many years ago, wished to acknowledge the goodness of ordinary people too on All Souls day. Today we recognise the goodness of ordinary people, not just spectacular Saints.
- A photo of our four founding Brigidine Sisters. As we are still connected to the people we have lost and can celebrate their lives through photos, memories, stories and pray for them.
The Year Fours also made and decorated crosses, with loved ones' names, that Ms Daly and Mrs O'Brien carefully pinned to form a larger cross. Thanks to all parents & parishioners who were able to make time to attend and to the staff, students who had special roles throughout. We are blessed to, with Fr. Novie who leads us in prayer and guides us in our faith journeys. Our Mass finished with a beautiful song: ‘We are God’s Hands’ written by Andrew Chinn,of which the lyrics are represented in our prayer this week.
We are God’s hands,
We are God’s eyes,
We are the love,
The heart of Christ,
O, Spirit move, our hearts and minds,
That we may see,
Peace in our time,
With eyes of hope be God’s mercy,
Bring the love of Christ to one and all,
Socktober Activities
Thanks for all the support towards Catholic Mission fundraising. Tomorrow will be the last day we are collecting funds for Timor - Leste and lunch time activities around the school too. The amount raised will be announced at assembly in week 8 as well as prizes for winners of competitions.