Principal's Report

Staff Appreciation Day
Friday 27th October marked the annual Staff Appreciation Day. I would like to acknowledge the dedication and work of all staff at Brentwood who continually put in above and beyond in supporting our students. It was pleasing to see many students and parents taking the time to acknowledge the staff at Brentwood. The kind words for staff are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
TIMSS – Year 8
A number of Year 8 classes have been selected to take part in the Field Trial of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). TIMSS is an important educational research project investigating student achievement in mathematics and science. More than 60 countries, including Australia, are participating in this study. TIMSS is an important activity to keep us, as parents and citizens, informed about how our students in Australia are performing in comparison to their peers in other countries and to compare programs of study and teaching practices. We will be able to obtain current national and international information which will help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in our country.
Selected students will do an assessment in mathematics and science and complete a questionnaire about their experiences at home and school. There is no need for students to study specifically for the assessment as it will not affect individual students’ grades or progress in school. All data will be kept strictly confidential, and no individual student or school will be identified in published data or reports.
Brochures to be sent home with students who will be undertaking TIMSS, which include more details about the assessment and also the privacy statement.
Headstart 2024
All students will make a headstart to 2024 by beginning 2024 classes on November 27 with their new teachers. The focus of the Headstart program is for students to understand the requirements of each subject and for teachers to get to know their students.
Attendance and Study Periods
A continued emphasis on attendance and punctuality during Headstart and in 2024 will help students maximise their learning outcomes. Students are expected to be present and punctual for all classes. Year 12 students are required to be present for all scheduled classes including any study periods in between scheduled classes. Year 12 students are required to sign in at the SLC for study periods timetabled for period 2, 3 or 4. Year 11 students sign in at the library for any study periods. Parent or guardian permission on Compass is required for students who need to leave early from scheduled classes for unavoidable appointments. Students should sign out at the House Hub where the attendance officer will confirm parent/guardian permission has been noted.
Lockers and Mobile Phones
Lockers should be cleared by the end of Headstart. Students are encouraged to keep their lock for their new locker next year. A lock is required to ensure any valuables can be safely secured. The best way for students to avoid the temptation of being distracted by their mobile phone is to secure it away in their locker during the school day.
2024 Year 12 students will have access to the Senior Learning Centre during Headstart and are reminded of the behavioural expectations of using the SLC shared with them at the recent year level assembly. The kitchen is also available for use by Year 12 students at recess and lunch time. Water is permitted in the SLC, all other food and drink is to be enjoyed outside the SLC.
Dean Korlos
Associate Principal