Parents & Friends News

Dear all,
How great is this weather.
Our Cake Stalls have been a huge success. Thank you to all that have supported them over the last two terms. I know it’s been a lot of work and I thank you all.
At the Prep and Year 1s Cake Stall we thoroughly enjoyed their yummy sweets. Thank you to our little bakers Josh, Harrison, Summer, Sophie, Anika, Audrey, Paul, Olivia, Arno & Harvey and to our fabulous parents Ryan, Dani, Lizzie, Paula, Holly, Guiden, Melanie, Carla, Amy & Diana, great job to all.
The Year 6’s have their Cake Stall on Monday 23rd Oct and their Book Stall on Friday 27th Oct so come along and grab a sweet or book. All proceeds go towards their graduation.
We also had our Referendum Sausage Sizzle on the weekend even though it was a long day it was also fun and very successful. Thank you to everyone that baked for us and a huge thank to Kasia, Ryan, Craig, Nick, Holly, Joyce, Dinah, Maria, Heinz, Claudette, Teresa, Harry, Tess, Rohan, Marsha, Claude, Liz & Christian who spent hours helping out on Saturday. Let’s not forget Cathy and Anthony who also baked and helped from start until finish. Thank you also to Janelle who made delicious mud cake cup cakes.
We only have 4 weeks to go until our FETE. Hope you are all just as excited as I am. We still have so much to do and all our team members are working very hard behind the scenes to make it a fun filled day for everyone. You all should have received a flyer in your children’s bags and we would appreciate it, if you could put it up in your area to help spread the word.
You may register your dog via this link
Thanks to all who have already donated. Donations can also be dropped off in the office, and can be in the form of toys for our lucky dips or games prizes.
We are also looking for volunteers for the day so if you could please express the times you are available on the day through this link.
If anyone has an RSA, and is available to help sell alcohol on the day that would be amazing. You can let myself know or your class reps.
On behalf of the P&F enjoy the sunshine.