
ST MARY'S COLLEGE - Talk and Tours















TAEKWONDO, Wednesday 3:45pm (all year levels)

After-school program for all year levels, to join please contact Sophia below.











CHESS CLUB, Thursday 11:10am (all year levels)

During-school program for all year levels, to join please contact Sharon below or online.























Please see the information and brochure about the local Prahran Scouts group.

  • More than 22,000 young people, and adults are part of Scouts Victoria, from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds.
  • We’re diverse and inclusive, proudly supporting people with physical or intellectual disabilities so we can all enjoy adventurous activities.
  • All ages: Scouting is all about the healthy development of young people, preparing them for a constructive and active life ahead.
  • Children as young as five can become Joey Scouts. Older children and teens can join us along the way.
  • Gender: Girls have been Scouts in Australia since the 1970s, and all our activities are equal opportunity. More than a third of our youth members are female.
  • Additional needs: The Scout Groupwelcome members with physical or intellectual disabilities, and we’ll include you in as many activities as possible.
  • Backgrounds: Scouts come from many different backgrounds and cultures. All new members are welcomed into their Scout Groups and treated with respect.
  • Many Scouts were born overseas or raised by parents who’ve retained traditions from other countries which creates a great diversity in the Group.  
  • Religion:Scouts Victoria welcomes members from all religions and we encourage the spiritual development of our members.