Date Claimers


31st/1st Nov    Parent Teacher interviews


1st  P&C Meeting @ 4.00pm

6th Melbourne Cup Working Bee

7th  Melbourne Cup

11th  Remembrance Day

13th-17th  Intensive Swim Block

21st   P&C Meeting

22nd  Emus/Kookies Swim Carnival 

           (1.00pm start)

23rd  LEGO PD @ School

24th  Stem Day @ Moonie

27th  SS Swim Carnival @ Meandarra


1st  Last Kindy Day

1st School Presentation Night & Concert

March 2024

2nd  Moonie Yabbie Races @ Sports Club

Melbourne Cup 2023 at Moonie

Melbourne cup working bee at 3pm Monday 6th November.

If ICPA members could bring an item to put in the raffle hampers no later than 6th November to be dropped off at RTC or to be given to Melinda .

Don't forget to RSVP for Melbourne Cup.



Awards - Week 3

Connor Hiles for modelling safe playground behaviour.  

Elijah Sullivan for reading fluently.  

Justin Cameron for adjusting to changes with his learning needs.  

Lincoln Donohoe for solving multiplication and

division problems.  He also received a kindness award.  

Harry Phelps -  Principal’s Award for always being kind and polite.  

Awards - Week 4

Briella Borchardt  - for solving addition and subtraction problems  

Chelsea Hiles - for working hard on her handwriting speed and accuracy  

Caleb Hiles- Kindness 

Lestat Treffen- great reading skills