Principal's Address

Good Afternoon Moonie Families.
What's been happening?
Congratulations to Briella & Charlottewho competed at the School Horse Sports in
Goondiwindi recently. The girls represented Moonie State School and came third in the march past & were the third highest point scorers overall. Briella won Age Champion & Charlotte was Reserve Champion.
Where Are They Now?
In this week's segment, we learn about Lucy Gurner. Click the link to see what she's been up to.
Bush Fires
I would like to pass on my gratitude to the community members and other firefighters who worked tirelessly over the past few days to contain the nearby fire. Their prompt action ensured the safety of our students and staff when conditions became unfavourable on Friday, and we are very grateful for your efforts in keeping this community safe.
Unfortunately, the fires bring with them many devastating effects. One of the impacts that we can assist in managing for our children is the impact of bushfires on asthma. The smoke and increased air pollution can trigger asthma symptoms, as can high emotions such as stress and anxiety. Each child attending school, who has asthma requires a written Asthma Action Plan. These are created by your GP and a copy of this needs to be given to the school so we can ensure that we are best meeting the needs of the students. If you have a child with asthma, please take some time this week to ensure that the school has an updated copy of your child’s asthma plan.
Swimming lessons will commence this coming Wednesday, November 1st. Please remember to pack sun safe swimmers and a swim cap for each child. Swim caps can be purchased from the P&C uniform shop.
Art lessons
On Friday, we welcomed Miss Carolyn Ferguson from The Art Cubby in Goondiwindi. The children were enthralled in the lessons she had prepared for them. Miss Carolyn will be back on Friday to complete the activities that were not completed before our early departure on Friday. She will be back every second week until the end of the year.
P and C meeting.
Our next P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday at 4pm. Please attend if you are available.
Parent/Teacher meetings
These will occur on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Meeting times have been emailed to those requesting a time slot.
Have a fantastic week.
Warm Regards,
Belinda Elliott.