Message from 


School Nurse Janice

Great Information from Asthma Australia


Asthma Week is from the 1st to 7th September, and this year, we’re focusing on how schools can be a strong pillar of support for students with asthma. As one of the most common chronic conditions in children, asthma can impact a student’s ability to participate fully in school life, from classroom activities to playground fun. But with the right support, you can help change that!



Watch the new Asthma First Aid video!


We’ve released our new Asthma First Aid with a Blue Reliever video, and it’s perfect for kids! This quick, easy-to-follow guide shows exactly what to do during an asthma flare-up using a blue reliever, and it’s designed with students in mind.


Take a few minutes to watch the video with your students and share it with families and friends. Making sure your students know what to do in an asthma emergency can make all the difference!


Janice Deocampo

School Nurse