Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A

We have been having a fabulous time in F/1 doing lots of great learning while Mrs Tanya is away. 

We have been busy learning in Maths about fractions. We have made caterpillars and ice-cream scoops learning about whole and parts. We also did fraction fishbowls. 


Mrs Forrest, Classroom Teacher

F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B

Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher

Year 2 

Another bumper fortnight at Wedderburn College!

Congratulations Aria and Angus
Congratulations Aria and Angus


Firstly, we celebrated Book Week and the grand finale of the Reading Olympics.

A big congratulations to our super-readers, Angus and Aria, for achieving medals for their fantastic commitment to reading. Also, well done to all of Grade 2s for logging some serious reading minutes! Blake won the costume award for his innovative Transformer costume and the whole grade looked rather fabulous in their varied and creative costumes.

Blake - The Transformer
Blake - The Transformer



This week we were fortunate to have a visit from ambulance officers to learn about their important job. Students got to check out the inside of an ambulance and some even got to try out lying of the trolley. Inside, we learnt about how to roll a person into the recovery position, and Evie did a great job demonstrating. Maybe we have some future ambulance officers in our grade...


What’s going on in the classroom? Well, in Inquiry, we have been exploring new and old toys, and the class worked together to make zoetropes, a historical animation toy. In Reading, we are focusing on the comprehension strategy of ‘monitoring’, which involves noticing when a text stops making sense, and taking actions to work out unknown words by re-reading, reading on or using a dictionary. In Writing, we are practising creating exciting endings to stories and in Maths we are identifying the connection between multiplication and division through fact families.

Well Done Year 2's
Well Done Year 2's

Keep up the great active learning Grade 2!


Ms Young and Mrs Wright, Classroom Teachers

Year 4 & 5

In Maths we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have used modelling clay to create 3D nets and their shapes. Our favourite part was making the shape and their net and comparing it to other shapes. 


Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher

Year 4,5 & 6

Last week we were lucky enough to explore energy and construction kits from Science Play Kids. Using these kits we were able to test different materials for conductivity, build fans and create a range of 3D constructions. Thanks to Mr Merritt for organising these great kits for us. 

Not long now until we head off for camp! More information will be out in the coming days.

Miss Eilish and Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teachers

Year 9 Duke of Ed


Ms Herrington and Miss Van De Wetering, Year 9 Homeroom and  Duke of Ed Teachers

VCE ART: Making and Exhibiting Excursion Report


Recently, our Year 11 VCE Art: Making & Exhibiting students had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Art Gallery of Ballarat for the first time as a school group. 


Stepping into Victoria’s oldest and largest regional art gallery was a memorable experience, with students immediately captivated by the wide collection of artworks on show. From historical masterpieces to cutting-edge contemporary pieces, the gallery’s diverse collection provided a rich tapestry of artistic styles and eras to explore.



In addition to their exploration, students engaged closely with both the permanent collection and the dynamic contemporary Indonesian artwork exhibition, Ebb & Flow. This exhibition provided a unique glimpse into the rich cultural narratives and artistic expressions emerging from Indonesia today.



Throughout the excursion, students worked with the gallery’s art educator and their teacher to examine the role of gallery spaces, lighting, and atmosphere in shaping the viewer's experience of art. The discussions were insightful, encouraging students to think critically about how these elements influence their interpretation of the artworks.

As part of their visit, students selected three artworks that will serve as the focus of their upcoming SAC assessment. These works, chosen from both the permanent collection and the Ebb & Flow exhibition, will provide the basis for the development of a thematically designed exhibition.


A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Barker and Mr. Iser for their supervision and for driving the students across to Ballarat. We look forward to seeing the students’ interpretations and analyses of the selected artworks in their assessments!


Mrs Barker, VCE Art Teacher

OSHC Program

To Parent/Carers, 


Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion. 


Thank you for your understanding.


Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt. 

OSHC Coordinators.


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