Incursions & Excursions

Toolamba Athletics Day

The Toolamba Athletics Day will be held on Friday September 13th on the community oval. 


We are after volunteers to assist with the running of our throwing and jumping events. If you can assist in these events with raking, measuring or returning throwing items, could you please let us know in the office. 


This year, students in years 3-6, can nominate to complete a 200m or 800m distance run. These events will be timed and then collated with results from our other district schools to then send students through to the next zone. These will be the first events at the beginning of the day at 9:10. Events for all students will begin at 9:30.  Coffee van will be available from 9:00am.


A timetable of the day will be available closer to the day. 


ASHE Fest is happening on the 11th and 12th September. This event is free to attend, but there is a small charge of $5 per student for the bus. Permission form and fee has been raised on Xuno.

Tatura Athletics Carnival - Grades 3 to 6

The Years 3-6 Tatura Athletics Day will be held at Howley Oval in Tatura on Tuesday September 17th. Students will be leaving school at 9:00am sharp and bused to Tatura. Our first events start at 9:30 so please ensure that students are on time this day. 

We have made some changes to this day, to ensure that we are able to get through each event and return to school before the end of the day. 

Due to time constraints, High Jump will only be competed by the top 4 boys and top 4 girls for each age group on the day. We will be using the results from our Toolamba Athletics Day to determine who these students will be. 

The 200m and 800m distance runs will be run at school. 

Students will need to bring their packed lunch and a drink bottle on the day. 

We are responsible for running a number of events on the day and are after volunteers to assist with this. If you are able to volunteer with timing and measuring, can you please let the office know. 

There is cost per student of $11 for entry and transportation. Permission form and fee are now on Xuno.

Parents are welcome to attend the day. 

School Swimming Program

Our school swimming program will take place at Aquamoves in Week 1, Term 4. Our Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students will travel by bus and participate in a 45 minute lesson for 5 days. Schools are required to provide a school swimming and water safety program each year. Grade 3-6 students gain their water safety through their camp.

The department provides all schools with funding to cover the cost of the swimming instruction but the cost of entry and travel form part of the user-pays basis of the Parent Payment Policy. With the funding provided by the department to subsidise the instruction, the cost per student for the week is $38.00.

The program runs first day back of Term 4, we will need all permissions signed, and payment completed by 19th September, 2024. 

Permission form and fee is on Xuno.

Parents are welcome to attend and watch the sessions. These will run each day for the following times:

Grade 5/6 Camp to Anglesea

We are in the process of finalising the cost of camp for students. The final cost will be released tomorrow. Please advise by end of business today if your child is not attending.