Year 8 & 9 Technology

Year 8 Technology Mandatory Digital Technologies & Year 9 Computing Technology

Over the past few weeks, both these classes have completed their studies in Robotics. Year 8 have been used the more android type of robots and the Year 9 students have built their robots from scratch and made improvements to them for their Assessment work on Mechatronics.


Both classes have finished their work on Robotics with the final task being Robot Wars. Year 9 had several rounds. They could make minor changes to their robots as they progressed through.


Round 1 of the Robot Wars:


The competition started very fiery except for Straw-hat Pirates who missed the start. Each of the robots battled to try and move or push the other robots out the circle, like SUMO but all robots were competing together. Final winner was Tiny Teddies with Pickle Tickler coming second.


Round 2 of the Robot Wars:


This round there was a change as Under Ctrl were able to show their coding skills by being more competitive. Tiny Teddies still won with Under Ctrl Coming second.


Round 3 of the Robot Wars:


In this round, all teams had improved their coding, and it was declared a Draw as all the teams kept within the circle for the whole time the round was on.


So, to finalise the competition results as follows:

Tiny Teddies with 10 ½ points won the completion. Closely followed by Pickle Tickler on 7 ½ with Under Ctrl achieving 6 ½ and Straw-hat Pirates achieving 5 ½.


Students are now reflecting on the work they did with their robots. How they created the coding and how they could have achieved a better result. Students will then upload their work to their Google Classroom for marking and they will start revision for the Yearly Exam in early Term 4.


Mrs Cathie Webber

STEM Teacher