What's On In 3/4

Orange World Cup @ Whitehorse Primary School
Grade 3/4 students were excited to learn about the World Cup Colombia in 2024, in which the Young Matildas will be competing! Unbeknownst to them, the ORANGE World Cup was also taking place in 2024 - right here in our very own school! Students had a great time developing their Orange athlete, filling in a profile (complete with jersey design), and then using their maths skills and knowledge to help their Orange athlete compete in a variety of events. Students kept scores,completed obstacle courses, timed races and developed their ability to work in teams, even coming up with a Team Spirit chant to spur their Orange athlete to victory!
JSC Reps Shine Again: Successfully Host Assembly for the Second Time
Our six Year 3/4 Junior School Council Reps had the opportunity to run the Junior School assembly last Friday, while the 5/6‘s were representing our school at District Summer Sports.
Individual reports below:
On Friday, the 6th September, the 3/4 Junior School Council ran the Junior School Assembly. It was a lot of fun. On that Friday, we set up at lunch and did a run through. When it was time, we all felt a bit nervous but when we were about to start, the nerves went away and we felt special. I loved assembly!
Pia 3/4A
I set assembly up with the other Junior School Council members. It was really hard to say the Student fo the Week’s and put the ribbons on them. The way we set assembly up is that we put three flags up. One of the flags is the Aboriginal flag, the other is Torres Strait Istander flag and the third is the Australian flag. I feel proud of myself at the end that I ran the assembly.
Aiden 3/4A
On Friday, 6th of September, the Junior School Council representatives from Grade 3/4 ran assembly. I felt a bit nervous and excited about performing. For the Students of the Week, I presented for Foundation A. My favourite part was the performances.
Samuel 3/4B
On Friday, The Junior School Council representatives in 3/4 hosted the assembly as the 5/6 students were at District Sports. I felt pretty calm at first, knowing that we had done it before for the whole school, except for the 5/6s. As we couldn't use the gym, we hosted a Junior assembly. After we rehearsed, it was finally time. I was so excited. We got some words wrong, but that was fine because we just helped each other figure it out.
And that was how we hosted the assembly. It was so fun and I hope we can do it again. Manisa 3/4B
Last Friday, the JSC reps from 3/4C helped to run the younger grade’s assembly. I was feeling nervous and excited to do it. Mrs Keats helped us prepare and supported us while we were reading the Students of the Week. The performances by Tiffany, Justin and Barsam were spectacular to see. Thank you Mrs. Keats for helping us!
Lily 3/4C
Last Friday, the JSCs from 3/4A, 3/4B and 3/4C hosted the junior assembly. I read out the Students of the Week from 1/2C. We had some amazing performances: the piano was played by Tiffany, Justin and Barsam! We had an amazing time hosting for the 1/2 and Foundation students. A very big thank you to Mrs. Keats who supported us along the way.
Natalie 3/4C
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Student Reflections
Our Kitchen Garden is really good. Each week you get to taste something that is probably new to you. There is always something that you think you don't like but it actually turns out to be really good. You get into groups and cook. Then, near the end of the session you get to eat the food. It is really good. I actually can’t remember a time where I didn’t like the food!
Eli 3/4B
Having a kitchen garden at your school is great because you can learn how to use garden tools.You can take care of the chickens, but you don’t have to own your own chickens. In the kitchen, you can try new things to eat. You also learn how to fold tea towels and put aprons where they belong and have FUN!
Freya 3/4A
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) is amazing. You get to experience cleaning, cooking and lots of other things. You get to taste everything! In the garden, you could be on chicken duty or harvesting herbs.
Harper 3/4A
You should have a Kitchen Garden program because we make a whole lot of different foods and we try to make something that everyone will enjoy. We cook every week and make delicious food. We never waste food because we feed leftovers to the chickens. We are very good at being clean because we always wash our hands.
Michael 3/4A