What's On In 1/2

Garden Session-Bug Hotels
Wow!!! What fun we had!!! The students were involved in making new homes for our tiny garden creatures. We collected empty plastic bottles, sticks, bark, gumnuts, pine cones, leaves, branches and so much more in preparation for our Bug Hotel construction. The students were excited to predict which insects might use their hotels.
As we have been learning about Minibeasts the students designed and created some beautiful symmetrical butterflies with colourful patterns. They enjoyed completing their partner’s symmetrical work.
Symmetrical writing by 12D
In maths, we were doing symmetry. By doing one half of a butterfly and using geometric shapes and patterns to create a butterfly. My partner was Lenny and Alexander. Alexander did mine symmetry half. After that I coloured my half, cut it out and mounted it onto black card. l had a blast doing all of that and I wish we could do it all again. My butterfly has over 11 different patterns, I castle, 2 eyes, 3 wavy lines. This was the ‘funnest’ maths work I have ever done!
I used geometric shapes. I used hearts, circles, stars and a rectangle. Some are little and some are big and some are random. William did the other side, it was ok. The butterfly used friction to fly. My butterfly is symmetrical. Symmetrical shapes are shapes that are the same on both sides when a line is drawn down the middle. Have you used symmetrical shapes?
Today I made a Geometric and symmetrical butterfly. My partner was Patrick. I used geometric designs. I used green, red, blue and peach for the colour. I used the line of symmetry to figure out how to make it symmetrical. The line of symmetry for example is if I put a mirror at the line the other half of the butterfly is the same, creating a whole butterfly. But a circle has a lot of lines of symmetry but those lines get closer until it closes the whole circle.
Today we made Symmetrical butterflies. We made one side of it and passed it to someone to finished the other half. I passed it to Astrid to finish. I took William’s work. It was a butterfly with curved wings and a lot of stripes. I finished it and handed it back to him. Then took mine back and coloured it in with soft pastels. Then we stuck it on to a black piece of paper. It was symmetrical with a vertical line through the middle. Of course, it could be halved! It was like an invisible mirror was there that showed the other half.
Today I made a butterfly but I only had to do one side, it was weird. But my teacher told us what to do and I was excited. We were giving our work to someone. I gave it to Delilah and she did the other side. It was cool and we got to colour with soft pastels and we cut it out and stuck it on a black piece of paper. We used geometric shapes and patterns. Symmetry is when something is the same on both sides when a line is drawn down the middle.
Today we were learning about symmetry. Symmetry is when you put a line down the middle and both sides look the same. We were doing butterflies. I designed one side and then Abigail did the other side. After that I got to do the other side of Archie’s. I coloured mine with soft pastels. Let me tell you more about symmetry. Symmetry is like when you put a mirror in between the shape and they look the same. My one was wiggly lines, dots, triangles, circles and stars. I enjoyed everything.
Kitchen Session #2
We were lucky for a second time to visit and cook in our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. We were returning experts and prepared delicious food, set the tables, filled the drink jugs and sat down to share a meal together with our lovely volunteers. We got to eat zucchini crissinis, hummus dip, crackers, celery and carrots sticks dipped into some yummy dukkha.
Mrs Mac’s Visit
We prepared for an exciting visit from Mrs Mac! She was our special guest speaker on the topic of Bees! We set out the microscopes for her in the STEM room and attended her information session with great enthusiasm. The students learnt about why bees are important to the environment and people. They were amazed at learning about the bees’ WAGGLE DANCE!
Garden Session - Snail Observations
The students have been very lucky to have garden sessions throughout the term. The students became explorers and enjoyed some time in the garden observing snails. They focused on body parts of a snail, habitat, diet and some interesting facts.