What's On In Foundation

Police Visit
During Term 3, Foundation students have been exploring all of the important community helpers that help keep us safe. To complete our unit we eagerly welcomed the police and we were super lucky to have Senior Constable Newport come to visit us at school. With our police hats on, we were ready to learn all about how police officers keep us safe.
Foundation students were super excited to share their knowledge on how to identify a police officer and the types of things they do to help us. We learnt about how all the emergency services all have a special badge to identify them and that Victorian police have a different badge to police in New South Wales! We showed Senior Constable Newport how we know to call ‘000’ if there is an emergency, say where we are and what service we need - Police, Fire or Ambulance.
Then it was time to put our police knowledge to good use by exploring the inside of a real life police car - we discovered the walkie talkie, torches and the buttons to turn on the lights and loud siren!
“I went to the police. It was so much fun. We saw the police car. I got to go in the police car. It was so much fun! The police are here to help people.” Sloane FB
“A police officer wears a hat. It is cool! I like it. I wish I was a police officer.” Siena FB
“Police can get bad guys. Police officers can help people from car accidents. I love the police. The police eat donuts. I REALLY love the police!” Hayward FB