Grade 3 Community News

Hello Grade, 3 Families!
Weeks 9 and 10 have been a very busy few weeks with exciting, engaging and fun for our grade 3 students! The students have been finishing off Term 3 with a buzz of excitement and as always, striving for growth!
We have continued our learning about the Human Body, its different systems and how our body works. The students have been answering the big question for each lesson and using evidence from the text to support their answers. We have also had our ‘Healthy Harold’ incursion that provided the students with another avenue to access important information about the human body!
Human body:
The students have been working very hard at writing information texts about the human body. They have used their student voice in selecting a system of the human body to research. Following the writing process the students have been planning, researching, drafting, editing and revising building towards the final stage of publishing their hard work.
Our Grade 3 students have been learning about measurement in weeks 9 and 10 with a focus on length, area and location. They have been measuring different items within our classrooms and in the environment, putting their knowledge into the real world by even creating their own shopping centres! Test them out! Ask them for an estimation! In the final week of Term 3 we are learning about location and transformation.
During our eating time, we are reading the first Harry Potter book. This is also our topic for vocabulary. Each week we look at 5 words that can be found in our book. These have been our week 10 words that we have been looking at.
Grade 3 Incursions:
It has been a very busy few weeks in grade 3 with our Healthy Harrold incursion - to link with our human body topic for Reading and writing. We have also had our STEM incursion about animals and their groups/ classifications. Ask your child about hey they were!
Can you guess what this was?
Grade 3 Healthy Harrold incursion on the inside story:
Grade 3 open hour:
A huge thank you to all the families that came along to our open hour! We all had so much fun creating our models and sharing our current learning of the human body with you all.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a charged iPad.
- Ask your child if they need any new stationery to bring to school (E.G whiteboard markers, greylead pencils and pens.)
- Remember to keep up the nightly reading at home, and bring the student journal to school on their designated day.
- Please do not forget to check Compass for updates on events that are coming up.
- Next term we need to have our hats on so please make sure you have one ready to go
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. It is also important for our students to feel included and a part of the school and being present is one big way to help make this happen. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
We hope you all have the most amazing holidays, have lots of fun and come back nice and refreshed for term 4!
The Grade 3 PLC Team