Grade 1 Community News

Hello Grade, 1 Families,
We are reaching the end of Term 3 and looking forward to the upcoming holidays! Our Grade 1 students have been diving into new topics and consistently giving their best in all areas of learning.
Here’s a glimpse of what we've been up to in our Grade 1 community over the past two weeks.
In Reading we have continued to learn about the early explorers of Australia, including Willem Janszoon, Abel Tasman, James Cook, and Matthew Flinders. Next week, we will explore the journey of Burke and Wills. It has helped us gain an insight into the history and development of Australia.
We have created posters to showcase what we have learned about the explorers. We did some research using the iPads to find fun facts and additional information about the explorers. Check out our posters below!
Heart Words: The heart words we have been focusing on are gone and laugh. Try putting these words into sentences at home!
Sound of the week: dge: “dge says “j” at the end of a word after a short vowel sound”. We have been looking at words such as fridge, budget and edge.
This week we worked on finishing our published pieces of Persuasive Writing. We made sure that our writing included high modality words (absolutely, definitely, certainly) and emotive language (deserve, urge, important) in order to convince readers to agree with our opinions. We finally put our persuasion skills to the test when we presented our persuasive writing pieces to each other in small groups. This helped us build confidence, as well as improve our communication and listening skills. Giving each other feedback also helped us to see how well we could use persuasive techniques in our writing and what to improve on in the future.
Here are some snaps of us during our presentations:
Next term, we will continue to write persuasive texts, and we are excited to share our opinions with the rest of the class.
In Maths, we have been exploring the concept of Chance and looking at the possibilities of different events happening. We have been using the language of Chance to describe the outcomes of events, such as:
- Will happen, Might happen, Won’t happen
- Unlikely and Likely
- Certain and Impossible
- Even Chance
To explore further, we have been playing a variety of games and looking at our chances of winning. These games involved using dice, cards and spinners. We found that we could not control what the dice or spinner will land on; and what card we might draw from the deck.
Here are some photos of the students using home-made spinners.
Upcoming topics in Maths: Location and Division (Term 4)
In Vocabulary, we have been looking at the words discover, guilty, helpless and reputation. We are getting the words from the story ‘Mr Popper's Penguins.’ We have shown our learning about these words by using them in our writing and including them in a game of Pictionary.
We are learning about adding the suffix ‘-ing’ and how this changes the meaning of the word.
Grade 1 Toy Exhibition
Thank you to the parents who were able to join us on Friday and have a look at all of our wonderful creations!
Friendly reminders
- The Terrific Toys Incursion will be running from Monday, September 16th to Wednesday, September 18th. Please ensure that you have made a payment for the incursion either on Compass or at the office.
- Please LABEL all your child’s belongings CLEARLY as a number of items have been lost or mixed up.
- Ensure your child is reading every night. We are so excited to see students reaching 200 Nights of Reading! Keep it up!
- Lunch orders are available for students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and may be ordered through the QR code:
We thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning!