Prep Community News

Dear Prep families and carers,
As we are entering our last week of school for Term 3, we would like to share how proud we are of our prep students for all the growth they have shown this term. The students have been working very hard to achieve their learning goals and we continue to be blown away by their amazing work and how far they have come.
Let’s also have a look at the learning that has been going on in prep:
In weeks 9 & 10, students have been learning to use questioning and retelling strategies to make meaning from the texts we read, whilst reading our well-known fairytales such as Goldilocks and three bears. We have also been learning to make connections with these texts, based on our own personal experiences to help us better understand what we are reading. At home, whilst your child is reading you might like to ask your child to make a text-to-self connection by asking: What does this remind you of?
In writing, we have continued with narrative writing. Students have been focusing on saying their sentence our loud and then writing each word in their sentence. They have been practising using their 5-Star writing checklist, ensuring they have a capital letter at the start of their sentence, fingers spaces and using fingerspelling to help identify their sounds. They have also been practising to use full stops at the end of their sentences. It has been so fun learning how to write narratives and the prep students have been doing so well!
Students have also learnt some new sound rules including /wh/ and /ph/ which makes a /f/ sound. Students have also learnt two new heart words, ‘once’ and ‘own’. Each day we practise our sound pack by saying the sounds and we also practise spelling out our heart words and reading them.
We have continued with our length unit in Maths. In the past week, we have focused on measuring several objects around the classroom, including our own bodies! Students have learnt about the golden rules of measurement whilst they are measuring, which include no gaps, no overlaps and measuring with the same unit. Students have been encouraged to use a range of hands-on materials such as counters, teddies, unifix blocks and icy pole sticks to measure objects. In week 10, we will revise over all the concepts we have learnt this term, including addition, subtraction and length.
Reminders/Upcoming events:
- Swimming (Check compass for dates): Consent and Payment ($65) due on compass. In Term 4, Prep students will participate in a 5-day school Swimming Program, delivered by Bright Waves Swim School. When attending, students will be required to independently change their clothes. Between now and then, it would be a great idea to support your child to independently practice skills such as undressing, drying their body, dressing, putting socks/shoes on so that they are ready to swim in the pool!
If you are unable or unsure of how to do this, please see office staff for support.
Thank you so much for the ongoing support! Have a safe and restful holiday! We are so excited to see everyone back in Term 4 😊
PLC Prep