Physical Education News

Dear Students, Families, and Parents,
The students have been working hard on their skills as well as their knowledge of the games that they are learning. Keep up the great work everyone! Please see below for sporting opportunities outside of school hours and our first ever TRPS Team of the week!
The benefits of exercise:
Attached is a video that informs about the positives and some benefits of exercise and what it does to your body. The article is inked below as well.
Hope Molecules #health #neuroscience #muscle,time%20you%20move%20your%20body.%E2%80%9D Those two words, “hope” and “molecule” were so casually written side-by-side in the paper that McGonigal says they could’ve been easily glossed over. But they stuck with ... |
Top 100 Nutritious foods
Here is an article on the top 100 nutritious foods. How many of them are a part of your child's diet?
Upcoming Sports
10th October Division Softball
Division Athletics
Well done to all of our Division Athletics Athletes! You all did an amazing job in representing our school! Congratulations to the students who have made it through to the next round.
The Preps have been hard at work refining and practicing their overhand throws at a high target. The throwing technique as usual except for the students are now aiming higher to allow for flight and drop. For overhand throwing students start in skateboard stance, they hold their ball with bunny ears grip. Following this step, the students then point to aim and throw following through with their hand to make it two to make sure. The Preps were able to use their technique in a game of clean the yard where they threw “rubbish” (dodgeballs) over the fence (badminton net) to keep their yard clean. Set your Prep a challenge, how many high catches can they make in a minute, how accurate can they throw. Set up a target and have them move further and further away after every time they hit it.
Grade 1 and Grade 2
The Grade 1s have been focussing on their overhand throw They have been improving their throwing technique by practicing throwing at high targets. The students were able to practice these skills in games of clean the yard where students needed to throw high to clean their side of the field.
The Grade 2s have been putting their skills to work in different games and exercises. They have been playing games of Skittles where they have to knock down bowling pins on the other side of their court and another game called clean the yard in which they need to throw as many balls as possible onto their opponents' side of the net.
Grades 3 and 4
Grades 3 and 4 have finished their fitness unit and have done a great job! We finished our unit with our second Cooper Run which showed if the students had made improvement with their fitness. Students have been able to track and monitor all of their results using a tracker. All of the exercises we have been completing can be completed at home with different household items such as used milk bottles washed and filled with water to create a 3kg weight. We recommend using up to 4kgs as a max for grades 3 to 4.
The exercises we used were Squats, Sit-ups, Medicine ball press, Kettle Bell bicep curl, Tuck jumps, Zig zag jumps, Push ups, Forward Rolls, Mountain Climbers, Medicine ball slams, Skipping, Agility ladders, Shuttle runs, Plank, Agility poles and star jumps.
The Cooper Run is a 12-minute run around a 20 by 20 track. The aim is to run as many laps as you can in the set time period.
Grades 5 and 6
Grades 5 and 6 have finished their fitness unit and have done a great job! We finished our unit with our second Cooper Run which showed if the students had made improvement with their fitness. Students have been able to track and monitor all of their results using a tracker. All of the exercises we have been completing can be completed at home with different household items such as used milk bottles washed and filled with water to create a 3kg weight. We recommend using up to 4kgs as a max for grades 3 to 4.
The exercises we used were Squats, Sit-ups, Medicine ball press, Kettle Bell bicep curl, Tuck jumps, Zig zag jumps, Push ups, Forward Rolls, Mountain Climbers, Medicine ball slams, Skipping, Agility ladders, Shuttle runs, Plank, Agility poles and star jumps.
The Cooper Run is a 12-minute run around a 20 by 20 track. The aim is to run as many laps as you can in the set time period.
Team of the Week
Well done to our first Team of the Week in PE. All of these students have shown excellence in PE for the last two weeks. Each student showed all of the school values and participated to the best of their ability.
After School Clubs
- 1-2 Cricket Wednesdays with Mr Dew
- P-2 AFL with Mr Raffaele
- 3-6 Hockey with Mr Tivendale
- Nagy Coaching Academy
Activities for people with Disability: