Visual Arts News

Recently in Visual Arts, the grade prep students learnt about colours inspired by nature. They painted their clay disk (made in a previous lesson), while focusing on these colours and adding patterns. Last week, the grade preps learnt about texture in artworks. They scrunched aluminium foil to create a textured moon. They then followed a guided drawing of a cow and collaged their pieces together to complete their “cow jumping over the moon” inspired artwork.
Grade 1 & 2
Over the last two weeks, the grade ones and twos have been exploring and analysing artworks by Indigenous Australian artist Jimmy Pike. In the first week, students looked at the artwork “Japingka Country” and discussed the artist’s use of line, colour and symbolism. Following on from this exploration, students chose an emotion and used watercolours to paint a symbol to convey that emotion. They used line and colour to further communicate their feeling of choice. In the second week, the grade ones and twos explored the artwork “Jila Japingka”, an artwork about the artist’s special place. The students reflected on their own special place and used oil pastel to create an artwork centred around this place.
Grade 3 & 4
Recently, the grade three and four students painted their tiny door sculptures using watercolour paints. They used small brushes to add details and complete this piece of work. Last week, the students explored line and pattern. They painted small round/organic shapes using metallic and neon watercolours. Once dry, students used black fine liners to turn their shapes into insects, adding small details and patterns to add further interest to their work. Some students took a realism approach when drawing their insects, while others created cartoon characters.
Grade 5 & 6
In recent weeks, the grade fives and sixes began creating a steam-punk inspired robot sculpture. Students used items such as boxes, paper cups and polystyrene balls to construct their robot. They then added extra details using beads, buttons, pipe cleaners and wooden gears. The students painted their robots with black acrylic paint, then used a dry brush technique to add metallic paint to their work and give it an antique look.
Art Club News
Earlier in the term, the students in the grade 5&6 painting club painted wooden penguin cut-outs, which were sent to Tasmania and displayed at the Australian Antarctic Festival. The penguins were displayed as part of a “Penguin Rookeries” display showcasing thousands of penguins painted by school children from all over Australia and overseas. We are so proud of their work and for representing our school!