Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,
In the last two weeks of Term 3 students have been doing their dance performances and reflecting on that they have learnt this term.
In week 9 prep students learnt about the instruments in an orchestra, including the different sections of an orchestra: strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. Students practised using percussion skills to play the boom whackers to a warmup and different play along songs. This week we are reflecting on what we have learnt this term in Performing Arts and what has been our favourite part of Performing Arts so far.
Last week Grade 1 and 2 students finished performing their whole class dance to another class. The grades that performed in week 8 instead worked in small groups to create short dances to their chosen theme music. They performed these dances to the class at the end of the lesson. This week Grade 1 & 2 students are reflecting on what they have learned about dance this term including discussing their favourite things about learning dance.
In week 8 & 9 Grade 3, and 4 students performed their dance routines that they created in small groups this term to their chosen instrumental song. While watching the performances students practised being a great audience and shared what they liked about the performance at the end. This week students are reflecting on what they have learned about dance this term as well as reflecting on their performance and sharing how they used the elements of dance (Body, Action, Space, Time and Energy) in their performances.
Over the last three week of Term 3 Grade 5 and 6 students performed their dance routines that they created in small groups this term to their chosen song. In each dance students needed to create a dance story that the audience could understand. After practised being a great audience while watching the performance students shared what they liked about the performance and what they thought the performance was about. This week students are reflecting on what they have learned about dance this term as well as reflecting on their performance and sharing how they used the elements of dance (Body, Action, Space, Time, Energy and Relationship) in their performances.
We wish all the amazing students at Tarneit Rise Primary School and their families a wonderful holiday break. We look forward to teaching you again next term.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V and Mrs Brant