Grade 5 Community News

Dear Grade, 5 families,
Just like that, Term 3 is coming to an end. This term has been busy, exciting and lots of fun. We’ve had Bastille Day, Book Week and plenty more to celebrate! We hope you all have an awesome break over the school holidays, resting up and enjoying some spring sunshine!
Reading to Learn
Students have been reading non-fiction texts based on British Colonies in Australia, focusing on the gold rush boom and important events throughout that time period in history. Over the past two weeks we have been focused on the Eureka Stockade. The Eureka Stockade is an important part of Australian history that led to political changes, and the beginning of better working conditions. We are excited to explore Sovereign Hill during our excursion to consolidate all of our learning for the term.
In writing, we have used our texts based on British Colonies in Australia. Students are learning a writing skill and then applying this to their writing tasks throughout the week. Students are always encouraged to share their ideas, and responses to the class to share ideas and create class discussion.
In Mathematics, students have focused on telling the time both on an analogue and digital clock. Students have also focused on elapsed time, this knowledge has been tested through worded problems based on real life situations. Additionally, students have completed their pre-test for Patterns & Algebra. The data collected from this pre-test will shape the learning for the unit in term 4 as we teach any gaps in student knowledge and understanding.
Over the past two weeks the students have been learning 6 new words each week from our non fiction text based on British Colonisation. Students look at the meaning of the words, synonyms and antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences. They are then using these words in their writing and reading. In addition, students are given one morpheme each week to build their knowledge of adding prefixes and suffixes together.
- Melbourne Cup Day is Tuesday - 5th of November, this is a public holiday and school will be closed.
- It is an expectation that all students are reading regularly throughout the week and recording this in their student journals.
- To support Maths students, have logins for Jet-Pack Algebra and Sunset Maths.