News of the Week

Dear Parents and Friends,
Hello and welcome parents and guardians to this week's newsletter - proudly brought to you by the Arts & Culture group!
Footy Colours Day
Our last day of term is next Thursday 19th September. On this day we are having a Footy Day and a Parade. Come dressed in your team colours - this can AFL, NRL, Junior Footy, Soccer Team or any sports colours. Mums, Dads, brothers and sisters come dressed up and join us in the parade - the more the merrier.
After recess we will have some fun footy activities. Don't forget the tuckshop team are offering a Footy Lunch of pie/sausage roll and a drink! Orders must be in by Tuesday 9:00am! Click here to place your order.
We are asking all students to bring a gold coin donation which will go towards our Story Dogs Program. GO PIES!!!
Year 4 Camp
Our Year 4 students went to Peninsula Outdoor Camp in Merricks on the Mornington Peninsula for a one night/two day camp last week! Thursday was a bit miserable with the rain, but we still got to do some fun activities like archery and kite making!
What activities did you do?
Archery, orienteering, The big swing, football, basketball and playing in our cabins.
What did you like the most?
Was the food good?
Yes, the food was good.
How was the camp experience?
It was fun, but I couldn't sleep.
Who was in your cabin?
Louis, Gus and I.
What activities did you do?
Archery, orienteering, the big swing, football, basketball, and playing in our cabins.
What did you like the most?
Was the food good?
Yes, the food was good.
How was the camp experience?
It was good.
Who was in your cabin?
Rosin, Briar and Kit were in my cabin.
What activities did you do?
I loved archery, orienteering and the big swing. It was also fun just playing in our cabin.
Was the food good?
I loved the food. My favourite meal was the pasta dinner.
How was the camp experience?
I loved camp. It was a really fun experience and I had a great time.
Who was in your cabin?
Jess, Juliet, Islah were in my cabin.
What activities did you do?
We did orienteering, archery, and possum glider.
What did you like the most?
I liked archery the most because I won and I got 2 bullseyes.
Was the food good?
The food was very good and my favorite was homemade burgers.
Who was in your cabin?
Torin, Matthew and I.
Year 6 Mordi College Visit
On Wednesday, a group of Year 6 students - Eden, Declan, Kirra, Finn, Sasha, Sammy, Mikki and Ethan went to Mordialloc College to tell them about their favourite charity, COTS - Christmas on the Streets). We presented to 240 Year 10 students, some of which came to our school at the end of July to talk about their $20 dollar market next term. The Year 10 students are making products for a market in which we will be going down to spend our money, with the profit they make being sent to COTS.
What was your favorite part of the presentation?
My favorite part of the presentation was talking to the Year 10s and gaining more confidence.
How did you feel?
I felt very nervous because I was the first one to speak and the Year 10’s were very big.
How did you feel after you presented:
I felt relieved and proud of myself because I was brave enough to do two readings.
Women in STEAM Day
Laylah: The purpose of the day was to encourage women and young girls to learn about and encourage them to work in STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art and Maths). It was held on the 6th of September and was held at Elsternwick Primary School.
Activity 1 - pH Testing
Louise: The first activity we did was based on chemistry and the different pH levels that a chemical can be. On one side are acids, on the other are basics. We had to test chemicals to see which side of the pH scale that they were on. There was one mystery liquid that turned out to be panadol mixed with water. We only learnt about different chemicals that can make changes in the environment and impact animals.
Activity 2 - Heterotopia: Building an underwater house
Lacey: In the radiotopia challenge we had to build a waterproof house for a lego person. The lego person had to be able to get oxygen and the house to be on the floor of the bucket of water. No water was allowed to enter the house and our group was Saoirse, Laylah, Louise, Lacey and two EPS students.
Activity 3 - Q&A Panel
Saoirse: The Q&A Panel part was all students gathering together listening to the STEAM professionals talk about the amazing jobs they all have. They all worked in some sort of engineering or science area. There was a geologist, engineers, environmental supervisor and more. Everyone had excellent questions and we all had so much fun!
A BIT thank you to Mrs Finster for taking us on this great day out.
Mordialloc Prescool Visit
Our Year 5 students have been spending some time with the children from Mordialloc Preschool. This week we visited the Preschool.
We made potions, which was really fun. All the kids loved playing with me especially when we played tag. I had five kids in my group. We also watched a video on the TV.
We made potions and played with the children on basketball courts and sand-pits. It was a very fun time time.
The Year 4's visited Kilbreda College to participate in some science experiments.
What was your favourite part?
My favourite was the elephant toothpaste and the food acid run.
What are some of the experiments that you did?
Exo thermic, Elephant toothpaste and the acid food run.
Who was in your group?
Jye this week and last week.
What was your favorite part?
My favourite part was the experiment we did last week.
What experiments did you do?
Exo thermic, elephant toothpaste and acid and acid and acid food run.
Who was in your group?
I was with Jess last week and Kit this week.
What was your favourite part?
Doing all of the experiments because they were fun and cool.
Who did you work with?
I worked with Alek last week and Che this week.
What experiment did you do?
Hydraulic chemical with heat and energy experiment.
What was your favourite part?
I learnt about some new experments and discovered what chemicals can do.
What experiments did you do?
Elephant toothpaste and pop test.
Who was in your group?
This week I was in Kit and Asher's group.
Year 3 Reco Activity Night
Last night, our Year 3 students and their parents participated in a reflection evening about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Jacob and Emily
We learnt about Reconciliation and the other Sacraments. Reconciliation gives us the gifts of forgiveness and healing.
I liked learning about forgiveness and how to say sorry.
I liked doing the different activities. We are looking forward to receiving Reconciliation next term so that we can say sorry for our wrong choices and then be forgiven.
Celebration of Learning - Monday 16 September
The 'Celebration of Learning' is when we all show our fantastic work for the Term. We would like to invite all parents and guardians to join us and see our children’s recent work and projects. Parents are invited to come and visit our classrooms from 2.15pm on Monday. The children will visit each other's classes before lunch! We are looking forward to showing you our amazing work!!
St Brigid's Art Show
Our Art Show is fast approaching - Save the Date - Wednesday 9th October. The Art Show this year will feature a range of artworks, including painting, collage, mosaic and sculpture. There will be a chance to vote for your favourite dog to receive the ‘Best in Show’ award. There will be a class auction piece which has been created with the classroom teachers. So many exciting things to view and more information to come! Tickets on sale NOW via CDFpay - children 12 and under - free.
Running Club
Laps = 165
Km run = 8.2km
Total km = 540km
We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy in New South Wales in Coolac passing Widgeongully
Lost Property
Our lost property boxes are full to over flowing. They are located near the doors next to the Artroom. Next time you are at school please feel free to check for any items that may belong to your family.
We hope you have enjoyed our newsletter. Hasn't it been a busy week at St Brigid's!!!
Mikey, Jack, Steph, Grace, Ana and Eden
Arts and Culture Leadership Team