Middle School







Striving for greatness – with healthy and safe adventures

In the final week of Term 3, the Year 8 students travelled to Karoonda Park in Country Victoria, to camp, ride horses, white water raft, and perhaps scariest of all – help with some meal duties and not use their mobile phones for five days! Meanwhile, the Year 9 students will have travelled into the City of Melbourne (with their phones), to develop their navigation and organisational skills through a variety of eye-opening activities and challenges.


Adolescence is a time of discovery and growth. Teenagers naturally seek new experiences and challenges as they develop independence and a sense of self. As parents and educators we can help guide them to take healthy risks that promote confidence, resilience, and personal development.


Healthy risk-taking can come in many forms: trying out for a sports team, auditioning for a play, joining a new club, or even speaking up in class. These activities push teens beyond their comfort zones, fostering essential life skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. They also offer a sense of accomplishment that boosts self-esteem.


Physical activities, in particular, present valuable opportunities for healthy risk-taking. Encouraging teens to engage in outdoor adventures like hiking, rock climbing, or swimming can build their confidence while connecting them with nature. Such activities promote not only physical fitness but also emotional well-being. They teach perseverance, help manage stress, and can instil a lifelong appreciation for health and the outdoors.


It’s important, however, to create a safe and supportive environment where teenagers feel comfortable taking these risks. Open communication between parents, teachers, and teens is key to guiding them towards activities that match their interests and abilities. Teens should feel encouraged to make decisions, learn from their mistakes, and take responsibility for their actions.


As we encourage young people to seek healthy adventures, we empower them to grow into well-rounded, confident individuals. By fostering a positive attitude towards healthy risk-taking, we help prepare them for the challenges of adulthood while also making space for the excitement of discovery and self-exploration. So, let’s embrace the opportunity to nurture their sense of adventure!


Finally, and speaking of adventures, we will welcome back Ms Scott in Term 4 from her long service leave in Europe! It certainly has been an adventure and a privilege for me as well, to step into her role as Acting Coordinator. Thank you to all the staff, students and parents that I have worked with, especially my latest teammate Mr Michael Jones, who has done a terrific job as Acting Year Level Leader (Years 6 and 7).


Happy holidays!


Leigh Gridley

Acting Middle School Pastoral Coordinator