Senior School








What a term it has been!


On one end of the spectrum, we have our Year 12 students about to embark on the final phase of their high schooling life and at the other end we have our Year 10 students about to commence their VCE journey during their transition program in Term 4. 


Whatever stage in their journey, each student is reminded to take time to stop and reflect on where they are, how they got there and if it is where they wanted to be. If the answer to the final question is no, then it is time to refine, redefine and build on whatever you have already done. This is how you ensure you are not making the same mistake over and over again, but rather learning from it and growing. 


To all Senior School students sitting their Trial Examinations in the school holidays, use this as an opportunity to test yourselves and see where you are at, so that you can then reflect on this and build before your final examinations. It is never too late to ramp up your learning and revision. 


On a different note, I was privileged to join the Year 10 students on their camp at Camp Week-away in Benloch this term. It was a great opportunity to speak with students in an environment where they were comfortable and not so engrossed in the daily requirements of school life. We had some lovely conversations and plenty of fun with the many activities that were on offer. My highlight was certainly the flying fox. It is during these events that we get to observe students in their element and them us in a different setting. 


Our Greece Cultural Tour travellers have safely arrived in Greece and are enjoying the sun, food and company. Please be sure to check Oakleigh Grammar’s socials to remain updated with their travels. 


Have a lovely break and see you all in Term 4 for one final busy term.




Manoj Patel 

Senior School Pastoral Coordinator