Chaplain's Corner








As we end the term, we have the great blessing and opportunity to reflect on our achievements and failures and to use the opportunity of the break to recharge our batteries and reprioritise things.


In term 4, we will have the special honour and blessing of greeting His All Holiness our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. Our students and families have the wonderful opportunity to be present at the Divine Liturgy at Margaret Court Arena and the Youth Parade. This is a rare event and an opportunity for us as one united community to celebrate the centenary of our Holy Archdiocese.


Who is Patriarch Bartholomew?


He is the 270th successor of Saint Andrew the Apostle, founder of the Church of Constantinople.


Saint Andrew was a disciple of Saint John the Baptist. After Jesus was revealed as “the Lamb of God,” Saint Andrew became Christ’s first disciple. He then brought his brother, Saint Peter, to Jesus. This is why Saint Andrew is referred to as the “First-Called.”

After the Ascension of Christ, Saint Andrew travelled throughout the Eastern Lands, preaching the Gospel and establishing churches. In 38 AD, he established the future church of Constantinople in Byzantium, Asia Minor (modern-day Istanbul, Turkey), installing Stachys as bishop.


Constantinople, as “New Rome” and Ecumenical Patriarchate, has “primacy of honour” within the Church. The Ecumenical Patriarch’s role as “First-Among-Equals” continues through the apostolic succession of bishops from Saint Andrew to the present. The Patriarchate of Constantinople is the spiritual centre of Orthodoxy and is the Mother Church. The Ecumenical Patriarch’s ministry is to preserve the Orthodox faith and life within the Church, foster unity among Christians, dialogue with non-Christians, and spread peace worldwide.


His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was enthroned as Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch on November 2, 1991, and is the spiritual leader of the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians. Following in Saint Andrew’s footsteps, His All-Holiness travels tirelessly throughout the world as a modern apostle to bring Christ to others, working for human rights, religious freedom, and responsible stewardship of God’s creation. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s dedication to protecting the environment has earned him the nickname “the Green Patriarch.”


Please ensure you register your attendance at the historic event.


Wishing you all a blessed rest



Rev. Fr Stavros Kakavas 

School Chaplain and Parish Priest of Sts Anargiri