Student Representative Council (SRC) 









On Friday 30 August, our school community participated in a heartwarming initiative as students, accompanied by teachers, visited the Ronald McDonald House Monash to personally deliver food donations gathered during our annual appeal.  The appeal, which was organised by a group of Year 9 students as part of their Community Project, was focused on supporting families facing serious health challenges.  It was an overwhelming success, collecting a wide variety of non-perishable food items, new toys and snacks.


Ronald McDonald House in Monash provides accommodation and support for families with children undergoing medical treatment.  During our visit, students toured the facility, met some of the residents, and gained a better understanding of the positive impact their contributions make.  The joy and appreciation expressed by the families were deeply touching, and our students returned with a renewed sense of community spirit and empathy.


This annual appeal is a cornerstone of our school’s commitment to fostering kindness and generosity.  We extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed.  Your donations not only filled the shelves of Ronald McDonald House but also filled the hearts of the families who are going through difficult times.  Together, we are helping to create a sense of comfort and support for those who need it most.


Natasha Spanos

SRC Coordinator