Beleza School Uniforms is now the new uniform supplier for KSC. You are now able to buy online or by visiting in store. While we are in the transition stage, it may be best to phone Beleza before going to the store to make sure the item is in stock.
It is an expectation that Day 1, Term 3, EVERYONE is in full school uniform.
Students are required to wear black school shoes as part of our uniform. You may choose whichever brand fits your feet, just please remember they have to be BLACK. Beleza have informed us the following brand available in their shop if you need shoes. The cost of the shoes at Beleza are $62.55 if you go instore (as you get a 10% discount). If you purchase them online they are $69.50.
All items of the KSC uniform are available for purchase from Beleza School Uniforms
Beleza School Uniforms - Shop 5/6 Williams Square, Warragul - 5622 2930
Link to KSC uniform on line