Wellbeing - Middle School

Lessons to a Younger Self

It’s that time of year, graduation season. As I had the opportunity to reflect with my Year 12 PDHPE class over the past few weeks, there are lessons learnt from them that are so important for our younger, and in particular, our Middle School students.


You’ll Miss These Days.

They reflected on how much they will miss interacting in the playgrounds, representing the College and simply being present with each other each day. School goes by in the blink of an eye, so take the time to treasure each and every moment and make the most of the educational journey and opportunities here at the College.


That you’ll never stop learning. 

They reflected on that moving from a primary to early high school student setting, all the hard learning is seemingly impossible. Well, how wrong that is. For them, setting learning goals and putting in hard work has helped them strive closer to achieving their goals that they thought may not have been possible. Learning new skills can lead to more motivation for everyday activities and further employment. Willing to continually learn is such an important part of fostering a growth mindset - one that we are always learning.


Friendships will change and that’s okay.

Some friends who you have in your life will come and go. So, these Year 12 students took some time to reflect on those friendships and whether they were impacting their life for the better. So, decide what’s important in people that you value, and then choose your friends accordingly. Finally, it is clear to them, that those friends who stayed with them through the ups and downs, are in their life for a reason.


Be yourself.

They’ve learned to have integrity and stand up for what they believe in, even if it’s not what’s most popular. It’s what makes them who they are and represents where they’ve come from.


So, to all those that have graduated, congratulations. For you, as parents of those in the Middle School, urge your sons to take on the advice above and cast a vision of their future that is dictated by them and strive to follow God's plans.


Finally, I wish everyone a happy, safe and restful holiday period. We look forward to welcoming the students back for Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October.


Alexandros Sinadinos

Director of Middle School