
Student of the Week Awards - Week 9
Student of the Week Awards - Week 10
FMM - Joanna M & Domino K
1/2S - Cate S, Frankie C and Joanie E
1/2T - Sophia M & Asma A
3/4J - Heidi J
3/4S - Gabe L
3/4L - Freddie T & Frankie D N
3/4B - Charlie S
5/6K - Muhammad A & Tilly F
Happy Birthday for Week 10 to ...
Alexander S, Salwa A, Angus H, Art C, Amirah H, Rose DM, Amelie DM!!
Student Learning - 3/4
Over the last few weeks, Year 3/4 students have been working on writing their own picture storybooks, focusing on characters who overcome a challenge or face an unexpected change. Through their creative storytelling, they explored themes of resilience, perseverance, inclusion, problem-solving, and personal growth. Students will be sharing their stories with Foundation students at the start of Term 4.
This week 3/4L took part in a Q&A session representing our two political parties, The Nature Party and The Equals Party. We presented our key policies and took questions from the opposing party. We have also been completing our Wellbeing projects, creating a picture book for younger children with advice on how to deal with different negative emotions.