Noticeboard and Important Dates

Important Dates
Friday 20 September - Last day of term 3 (2.30pm finish)
Monday 7 October - Student Free Day- Whole School Professional Practice Day (Team Kids will be open)
Tuesday 8 October - First day of Term 4
Farewell to Rachel!
Tomorrow we say goodbye to our Principal of the last 8 ½ years – Rachel Corben.
Rachel has had an incredible impact on our little school over the years that she has been here and we wish her all the very best on the new chapter in her career. Thankyou Rachel for your tireless energy, enthusiasm and commitment to CNPS. You have achieved so much over your time here and we will miss you. Come back and visit us anytime!
Goodbye for now to Mary!
Tomorrow we say goodbye and goodluck to Mary while she takes time off to have her baby. We wish you love, Mary and can't wait to meet the new little one!
Lunchtime Art Club
Netball Divisional winners receive their pennant.