Junior School News

Year 7 Review
As the year draws to a close it is an absolute pleasure to congratulate our Year 7 students on their first year of secondary schooling.
"A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships and new challenges. The slate is clean and anything can happen.”
This time last year, students were saying goodbye to their primary school teachers and friends and facing a bright future here at Patterson River Secondary College. For many students, this is a time of significant change and those steps can seem like unfathomable leaps of faith. We started the year as a united Year 7 community and we are so pleased to report that we are finishing stronger, smarter and richer for our experiences.
This value is by far the hardest to display, yet the most rewarding for staff and students. Our Year 7’s have had to demonstrate this value from that very first, nervous day of school when the shoes were squeaky, the uniform stiff and the yard may as well have been a whole new world! Combination locks, looking for classrooms, learning which bus to take and navigating the canteen lines, students have persevered and what once seemed like a mountain is nothing but an everyday task. Well done for your persistence in Year 7!
As a Year 7 cohort in 2024 we received a collective 1121 positive recognitions for PERSISTENCE!!!
Starting Year 7 meant saying goodbye to learning blocks such as reading, writing, spelling, maths, integrated, wellbeing and saying hello to secondary school subjects like English, Maths, Science, Food tech, Art, Drama.... The list goes on! Whilst it may seem overwhelming at first, Year 7 students have embraced the opportunity to try new things and formalise their assessment and learning. Whilst the concept of completing CAT’s was foreign at first, we now have an excellent completion rate and students who are consistently achieving results that are considered above the expected standard. High performing Year 7’s are happy Year 7’s 😊
As a Year 7 cohort in 2024 we received a collective 1461 positive recognitions for EXCELLENCE!!!
By far the most successful part of our Year 7 program is the sense of community that is developed very early on in the year. Mentor teachers made their classrooms a unique, welcoming and comfortable space to be in. Camp cemented our bonds and allowed new friendships to blossom. Our roller-skating day (whilst also testing out our persistence!!) really demonstrated our strength as a community and showcased the support we show each other on a day to day basis. Our Patterson River Secondary College community is stronger for having Year 7 2025 in it!
As a Year 7 cohort in 2024 we received a collective 581 positive recognitions for COMMUNITY!!!
"Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to.” Our Year 7 students have participated in many activities during their Learning for Me classes that focus on the value of respect. During our year level assemblies' students have been given the opportunity to speak, share information and do an acknowledgment of country to their peers, all showing the respect they have for each other, the school and their local community.
As a Year 7 cohort in 2024 we received a collective 503 positive recognitions for RESPECT!!!
A special shout out to our amazing Year 7 leaders who have taken on the task of raising the flags which are now situated at the front of the school. They have done an amazing job each day to make sure the flags are flying proudly.
Well done to the following:
Ruby R, Erin B, Lily I, Abi B, Ted C, Zayne S, Jack H and Woody S.
As new light dawns on Year 8 Step Up, we wish to congratulate all our amazing Year 7 students on their successful start to secondary school. Your future is bright.
Year 9 Review
Semester 2 has been super busy for our Year 9 Learning for Life students. They have been leveling up their skills in English, Health and Science.
In English, students dove into the novel Runner and had to write a text response essay about it. It was a great way for students to share their interpretation of the text in a well-structured argument. Writing the essay also helped students to think more critically about what the book teaches them about life and the world around them. To get a better feel for the story, students went on a teacher-led tour around the Melbourne CBD, checking out landmarks that relate to the novel.
Term 3 was all about adventure with an Amazing Race challenge in Mordialloc and the Docklands. These experiences allowed mentor teachers to explicitly teach Year 9 students the expected behaviours and skills that align to our school values of Persistence, Excellence, Respect and Community. In small groups students completed their challenges and Year 9 Mentor teachers had a lot of fun checking in with students at various checkpoints. It was fantastic watching students supporting each other at the different checkpoints. They showed off their resilience, independence and teamwork skills!
In Health Education, we focused on Respectful Relationships. Students participated in an Elephant Ed workshop that discussed the moral and ethical dilemmas that come with sexual relationships. Throughout the workshop students participated in activities that covered the following: peer pressure around sexual activity and relationships, scenarios applying consent and unpacking consent and the law.
In Term 4 students engaged in a Science unit of work with a focus on developing their skills to plan, conduct and analyse their own scientific experiments. Through hands-on activities and guided learning, students learned the steps of the scientific experiment: forming hypotheses, conducting controlled experiments, observing results and drawing conclusions based on data. This was an excellent opportunity for students to think critically, explore their curiosity and improve their problem-solving skills. To celebrate the hard work and creativity of our students, parents/carers were invited to attend a Science Fair. During the Science Fair, students proudly presented their results through posters, demonstrations and interactive activities. Big thanks to everyone—parents, students and staff—who came to the Science Fair and helped make this Semester so memorable! We’re really proud of what students accomplished and can’t wait for more adventures ahead!