Physical Education

We have finished off the year with some fun and games enjoying the time to strengthen connections and round off some skills. We also had some alternate sports competitions throughout the last few weeks with Junior Athletics, Downball, and Frisbee Golf.
Junior Athletics
What a great day with our P-2 students out and about enjoying a wide range of sporting activities that tested their skills, speed, strength, and endurance. Our Grade 5/6 students helped design the activities with the Grade 6 leaders running the show on the day. On days like this with ribbons being handed out I spoke to our P-2 students and asked them what they would prefer either 1. everyone gets a ribbon or 2. Lucky's Dad's Rules (Bluey fans will know exactly what this means). The overwhelming response was for Lucky's Dad's Rules so we applied ribbon presentation in that manner.
On reflection the students loved the class relays, racing in the grades one final time and continuing to build teamwork and enjoyment. Hurdles and Sprints were also a massive hit with the hurdles coming out on top and the most enjoyed activity of the group.
Thanks to the Senior Students and all the staff for their support, while a big thank you goes to the parents for their support on the day.
We are down to the finals in the competition for both singles and doubles. Students will play their games today with the aim to winning their Jelly snake prize. Best of luck to the following students with mention to Lucas B (G5) aiming to go back-to-back champion.
Semi Finals: Indi D (G4), Lucas B (G5), Rooke S (G4), Mitch B (G5)
Middle School: Alaya T (G3)/ Charlie S (G3) vs Joelle C (G3)/ Abbey P (G3)
Senior School: Lucas B (G5)/ Rooke S (G4) vs Indi D (G4)/Chloe K (G4)
Frisbee Golf
Our 3-6 students venture to the fairways of "Royal Lysterfield" Golf Club to compete in the Frisbees Golf Challenge. Students played over 2 x 9 hole courses - 'Lyster Flats' and 'Lyster Hills'. The 71 par course proved challenging and enjoyable a the same time. Trees, hills, bunkers and obstacles stood in the way of golf success.
Congratulations to our comp winners:
Lyster Flats (9 Holes):
1. Grace D (G6): -15
eq2. Talia R (G6): -12
eq2. Helena K (G6): -12
Lyster Hills (9 holes):
eq 1. Lachie K (G6): -14
eq 1. Grace F (G3): -14
3. Jasmine B (G6): -13
Also, congrats to the following students on achieving a hole in one and having the hole named after them:
Grade 3: Mason R, Livy W (G6), Jack G (G5), Flynn S (G6), Brandon A (G3), Lachlan H (G6), Aleeyah N (G6), Veronica H (G6)
Lysterfield Physical Education Highlighted at the State Conference
At the end of November, I presented at the Australian Council for Physical Education and Recreation's State Conference at Monash University. The conference is the largest gathering of Physical Education professionals and sporting bodies in Victoria. I was honoured to be asked to present my research project on the benefits of an enhanced student voice in Physical Education. Lysterfield students formed the basis of my project, as they contributed to the data used to challenge norms and provided evidence of success in the study. This is my 4th presentation at the State conference and I'm thoroughly thrilled to see the program at Lysterfield be recognised amongst industry leaders in Physical Education.
Daniel Thomas | Physical Education & Sport Co-ordinator