Learning and Teaching

Dear LPS community,
What a year - 2023 has given us much to celebrate at LPS. Adam has highlighted some of our key achievements as a school in his report which is lovely to reflect on.
This week has brought equal measures of business, excitement, and emotions. On Tuesday we welcomed our 2024 Preps for their Orientation Day and our current students met their 2024 teachers and class. On Wednesday we celebrated the Graduation of the Class of 2023. It was a wonderful ceremony that highlighted the growth our Class of 2023 has achieved during their time at LPS. From watching our leaders host the evening, then listening to students reflect on their years here, to watching our students sing and dance, as staff we felt a sense of pride and surety that our students are leaving LPS Curious - Confident – Successful.
Thursday saw our Grade Sixes enjoy the day at the pools and movies. And today, our current School and House Captains pass their leadership positions onto our 2024 leaders. Talk about rites of passage! We are so privileged to have educated and supported all of the students this year and look forward to the new adventures that will commence in 2024. Thank you for your partnership, we couldn’t do it without you.
On a personal note, thank you LPS Community for another great year of learning, support and growth. Wishing you all a wonderful, safe and relaxing Christmas and summer break. I look forward to welcoming you all back in 2024!
Stay cool this Summer!
Kristine Roose, Assistant Principal | Learning and Teaching