Discovery Centre


Selamat siang Foundation families! 


In Maths this week, Foundation students have been exploring time. Students have enjoyed playing games, making and drawing clock faces as well as making their very own watch! We have also been sharing about our favourite times of the day plus our favourite day of the week. It has been wonderful to hear about all the exciting things our students enjoy on their weekends. Creating paper chains for the days of the week and months of the year have also been a highlight this week. Families are welcome to further support their child at home by practising o’clock times and singing the days of the week and months of the year songs.

Student Voice

What is your favourite time of the day?

Aaron FB- My favourite time of the day is 9 o'clock because it's when I go to sleep.

Miller FB- My favourite time of the day is 10 o'clock because I play games.

Natasha FB- My favourite time of the day is 2 o'clock because it's recess.

Oscar FB- My favourite time of the day is 12 o'clock because it's outside time.

Ronav FB- My favourite time of the day is 8.50am because we get to go to school!



  • Guided Inquiry Showcase- Thursday November 30th, 2:40pm in the hall. All welcome!
  • Christmas Concert- Wednesday December 6th
  • Bring your stamped envelope to school by Friday December 8th. See Seesaw and Sentral for more information
  • End of year celebration- Monday December 18th. Permission for the excursion needs to given via Sentral.

Pupil of the Week

FB:  Ashara B

For demonstrating love of learning and leadership this week when exploring time. It was great to see your creative analogue and digital clocks when telling o'clock times. 


FH: Burhanuddin V

For bringing a sense of zest and humour to our classroom everyday. Thank you for sharing your love and jokes with us!


FK: Elsie M

For demonstrating enthusiasm and a love of learning when exploring time. You did an amazing job making o’clock and half past times.