Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang 

The Inquiry Centre has been filled with activity this week! Students enjoyed our wonderful Maths Incursion where they were immersed in a world of hands on Maths activities and games. So much questioning, problem solving and critical thinking was happening as students explore the maths challenges. It was fantastic to see students persevere and have great success! What a fantastic night we had the Year One Late Stay last Friday! Students showed enthusiasm and excitement as they arrived for a night of fun activities and yummy dinner and icy poles as a treat. This was a wonderful opportunity for our Year 1s and a valuable experience to encourage independence and responsibility. Both teachers and students had so much fun!


We hope you have a fantastic week!

Mrs Hirvonen, Mrs Seadon, Mrs Moroney, Miss Molloy, Mrs Danes, Mrs Martin and Mr Jenkins

Student Voice

  • Caleb G - "I love counting money in Maths"
  • Kiara S - "I had so much fun at the Grade 1 Late Stay!"
  • Vidya C - "This week I have loved reading Disney books"
  • Nawab P - "My favourite activity this week was doing the Cricket Clinics in P.E"
  • Aarya - "The Grade 1 Late Stay was amazing! I loved playing with my friends."


  • Students all need to be wearing hats throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has a named hat with them at school.
  • Christmas Concert - Wednesday Dec 6th
  • Please pack extra snacks/lunch in your child's lunchbox to ensure they have enough food for the whole day.

Pupil of the Week

1/2H: Shiloh M - For working hard to order and add small collections of coins together. Keep up the great work Shiloh!


1/2J: Ishaan T

For demonstrating a love of learning and curiosity when writing your biography about Christiano Ronaldo. You did great research to find information and presented it with beautiful handwriting. 


1/2KD: Isaac M

To display creativity when creating your biography this week. Well done for using your writing goal to help you edit your work!


1/2M: Alicia P

For demonstrating love of learning and enthusiasm throughout all learning tasks this week. Great work!


1/2SM:  Lucky B - For being an amazing class member. You always show kindness and help others in our class. You always have a positive attitude to all learning tasks. Well done Lucky!