Independence Centre


Selamat Siang,


Every week we have 3/4 Sport! In 3/4 Sport this week, we practised cricket and soccer. In Cricket, we built out skills in bowling and batting, and used our hand-eye coordination to field and catch. For soccer, we did relay's to practise our dribbling skills and even practised with our non-dominate foot. 

Every week we enjoy building our sports skills in a range of different sports, which we can then use when we have Gala Days throughout the year. Thank-you to our Year 6 Sports Leaders for also helping to run sport. 


Have a great week!



Student Voice:

What have been your favourite things to do in 3/4 Sport?

  • Soccer because it is fun - Ruby
  • Cricket because I enjoy fielding - Ria
  • Soccer because we use teamwork and take it in turns - Matilda


  • Please ensure your child/s has a named hat at school
  • Christmas Concert - Wednesday 6th December

Pupil of the Week

3/4C: Jasmyra C

For demonstrating a positive maths mindset when completing the decimals activity. It is wonderful to see you use your perseverance and build your confidence in Mathematics.


3/4H: Ruby I

For demonstrating curiosity and life-long learning when comparing and evaluating two texts. You should be proud of your efforts!


3/4RB: Marley N

For demonstrating a growth mindset when investigating a range of fractions within a shape. It was great to see your positive attitude, curiosity and love of learning grow with each challenging task. 


3/4T: Arya A

For demonstrating perspective and creativity when making your 2023 Time Capsule filled with all the things that make up your identity.   


3/4W: Tina W

For demonstrating curiosity and bravery when exploring fractions. You compared equivalent fractions and found part of a whole. Amazing effort Tina!