Careers & Pathways News


March 2024




This term in Careers class, Year 10 students started their Career Action Portfolio, as well as completing a resume and cover letter. For those who are keen to get an after school job, these documents will be a big help; for those who aren’t ready to seek employment yet, the skills they’ve learned will help them in the future.


A highlight of the term was visiting RMIT and visiting the Electrical, Plumbing, and Refrigeration departments where Cert III + IV, and Diploma students learn these trades. It was a great opportunity for students to get a taste of TAFE/University life. The majority of students demonstrated an interest in returning to RMIT later in the year to explore other trades and programs.


Next term we will begin covering information regarding post-Year 10 pathways and subject selection. The main focus of the term will be securing work experience – students are expected to do this themselves but their Careers teachers will support them as needed. We will also visit the Wurun Careers Expo, and welcome guest speaker Adrian Franklin.


Nicky Smith

Careers, Collingwood College




Rhonda Cadman & Nicky Smith - Careers and pathways Coordinators




Rhonda Cadman
Rhonda Cadman
Nicky Smith
Nicky Smith