To ensure a safe and smooth flow of traffic before and after School, we need our community to work together and follow some basic carpark etiquette.
Please take a moment to read through the below.
Morning drop-off times:
The primary school playground is supervised by staff from 8:15am. Students can be dropped off from this time onward.
Primary parents delaying arrival at school until approximately 3:05pm:
This will provide kinder families with:-
1. Access to parking while they collect their kinder children; and
2. Time to leave the carpark and free up more spaces for primary families.
As kinder families leave with their children, this frees up parking spaces for primary parents.
Secondary parents to delay arrival at school until 3:40pm:
As above, secondary families delaying arrival, will allow time for primary families to exit the carpark and free up more space.
**This delay option can only work when we all work together. For example, if primary families delay arrival but secondary families arrive early and park in the pick-up zone, primary families will get caught in the queue and not be able to access the available parking spots.
When using drop-off/pick-up lane:
- Only use this lane for quick pick-up or drop-offs, not for parking
- If you need to exit your vehicle to assist younger children or swap driver with your learner, PLEASE DO NOT use the drop-off/pick-up lane but take a formal parking spot.
- Move as far forward as possible to allow the cars behind you to also continue moving forward. If your child is waiting for you, have them walk forward along the path to meet you.
- For safety reasons, ensure that children only exit from the left side of the vehicle.
- If you arrive early, please do not park in this lane (see suggested arrival times above).
Follow the directions of School staff, carpark attendants:
- If using the drop-off/pick up lane, move your vehicle forward, allowing others to move forward. This will minimise the overflow onto Mt Morton Rd.
- Proceeding to an available parking spot
Please respect our staff and their requests.
Our staff are there to provide a smooth and safe flow of traffic through the carpark for the benefit and safety of you and your children.
Aggressive behaviour toward staff is unacceptable and a breach of our Parent and Community Code of Conduct.
Follow all usual road rules whilst navigating the carpark:
Please follow the carpark road markings and refrain from overtaking into oncoming traffic, stopping in a thoroughfare to collect children, or driving against the traffic. All usual road rules still apply. This is for the safety of yourself and the children.
Advocating & lobbying to the local Council to improve traffic safety
- This includes negotiations for the upcoming roadworks.
- Arranging for the local Council to install crossings on Wattle Valley Rd and Mount Morton Rds (as these crossings are outside of the school boundary, we are not permitted to place our own supervising staff on these crossings).
- Requests to Council to install a supervised crossing on Mt Morton Road, to provide safe access for our students across the main road to the footpath opposite.
- Long-term Strategies:
- We have appointed a traffic consultant to assist with master planning for the whole school site with a view to using the vacant block along Wattle Valley Rd to resolve some of the traffic build up.
Staggered finish time:
- Kinder - 3:00pm
- Primary - 3:15pm
- Secondary - 3:30pm
Rostering staff to manage crossing and carpark flow:
- 3 staff in the morning
- 6 staff in the afternoon
Bus Runs:
The School has 7 bus runs each morning and afternoon, which services nearly 300 students, taking many cars out of the carpark. There are still places available on some routes. Should you wish to enquire about bus travel please email
Last year we had advised families that the local Council would be installing a slip lane and shoulder along Mt Morton Rd, leading into Wattle Valley Rd, over the Christmas break. Both of these roads are Council owned assets and any upgrades or maintenance are their responsibility. The School, however, has agreed to fund this project as it will provide a benefit to our community. The purpose of the project is it to provide a formal lane for traffic turning into the School, leaving the road open to local traffic.
After receiving assurances that the project was going ahead, in mid-December, Council contacted us to advise that they were unable to obtain contractors to undertake the project and that it will be delayed. At this stage, they are proposing the Term 1 school holiday break but we will keep you informed.
With the completion of the primary school refurbishment, the upper carpark is again available for parent parking.
As this area will double as a play area for Year 5/6 students during the school day, parking is only available during the usual morning drop off and afternoon pickup. Please do not leave your car in this area between the times 9:30 to 2.00pm.