Learning Community 2
3/4 Maxine Howard and Nicole Stark
Learning Community 2
3/4 Maxine Howard and Nicole Stark
Welcome to 2024!
We are so exited for a great year of learning together!
Our classes are very settled and are getting stuck into their learning tasks.
We spent the first eight days getting to know and understand each other as people, students and teachers. It was great to hear what our students know they want to improve on and how they can do it. We set goals and we are looking forward to reaching them!
In Maths we are revising Place Value - check out our Place Value donuts!
During Reading we are revising using prior knowledge of the text topic to help our understanding, and we have been practising our narrative skills in Writing.
3/4 X Achievers
Zac - for being welcoming and inclusive of his new classmates
3/4 S Achievers
Kenzi - for showing kindness, resilience and patience during her first week at Bunyip Primary School. Miss Stark was so impressed with her classroom efforts!
Over the next few weeks we will be sending home levelled readers to encourage your children to practise reading fluently, using the skills and strategies taught at school.
We will also send home copies of commonly used words for your children to practise spelling, reading and writing if needed.
Finally, we'd like to remind everyone about the need for hats and drink bottles in these summer months!
Thank you so much for your support - please feel free to pop in and see us at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
Maxine and Nicole.