Student Voice

Year 6

6H have been busy creating their class name. After a lot of discussion and collaboration we decided on Super Strong Salmons. We are now in the process of selecting an emblem.

Caleb was inspired to create a chant for us to sing as well as a logo for our class.

Year 5

As part of learning about each other and settling into 5L we have created inside/outside faces. These self portraits portray the interests in our minds, both at school and at home.

5L have created a Values Rainbow, including all our school values with examples of how we show them at school.

Year 4

In 4F we have had rich discussions about the classroom culture we want to cultivate this year. We pooled all our ideas and constructed this poster to show what our ideal classroom looks, sounds and feels like! 

Our students are amazing

I received this note from Ms Lamont (1L).


"Ross R (5L) has just completely blown my mind and I think he needs to be celebrated!! He heard me asking Janet yesterday if she had any books on being Sun Smart and she was talking about how there really aren't any recent picture books written on being Sun Smart.


She was saying if I fancied writing a children's book that would be a great topic! 

Ross obviously heard this chat and then I bumped into him later in the day and he asked if I had managed to find a good book on sun safety. 


I told him I hadn't and he said 'I am working on something - I should have it to you by the end of the day".  Today I arrived at school and on my desk is an amazing picture book - written in rhyme - with beautiful illustrations by Ross on Being Sun Smart 🙂

Ross demonstrates all of the school values in such a subtle and awesome way! "


Click through each picture to read the story and heed the advice...

We  thought we would share it with the community. It is very short but impressive. I love that Ross just left it on my desk.