Join IPS School Council

We still have two vacancies. 

Nominations close 4pm on the 9th February.

We still have two vacancies.


There are five parent category vacancies and three Department of Education vacancies to be filled. Nomination forms are available from the office or can be downloaded below. 


There are two types of parent member category nomination forms – Form 3 ‘Self Nomination’ form or Form 4 ‘Nomination form’.  Form 4 is used when a school parent nominates another school parent.


The election timeline is as follows: 


Monday 29th January 2024  Notice of Election and call for nominations. 


Friday 9th February 2024 (4pm) Close of nominations. 

Monday 16th February  Display list of nominees. 


Friday 16th February  Ballot papers made available if an election is required. 


Friday 23rd February (4pm) Close of ballot. 


Friday 23rd February (4:10pm) Votes counted.


Monday 26th February  Declare poll. 


Wednesday 28th February Meeting of School Council. 


There are two council meetings per term (Three in Term 2 for the presentation of the Annual Report). Every council member is asked to serve on one of the sub committees of School Council.


Every council member is required to attend school governance training. (This can be completed online). It's not particularly onerous.


2024 School Council dates

Venue: Collaboration Space /  WebEx      Time: 7.00 pm *


* 6.30 pm start (correspondence tabled)

Term 1


28th February

27th March 

Term 2


24th April (Annual Report)

8th May 

12th   June

Term 3


7th August

4th September

Term 4


30th October 

27th November

11th December 

  (SC dinner)

The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are attached below along with the nomination forms. Only nomination forms filled in correctly and complete can be accepted.


I hope you will consider joining me on School Council. If you have questions, please call me on 9499 1880 and I will be more than happy to speak with you.



If you would like more information, go to 



Mark Kent
