Co-curricular Arts News

Dr Andrew Butt, Program Leader Co-curricular Arts

We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to all Marist College Ashgrove families and what promises to be another exciting and productive year for the Performing Arts at Marist. The 2024 School Year will involve many exciting events in a diverse range of genres and in a variety of concert formats. We are particularly excited to be presenting a musical, Jersey Boys, in Term 2. More details of these concerts and events will be included in a forthcoming edition of the College Newsletter. Please continue to stay up to date with Concert and Performing Arts via this fortnightly newsletter entry. All other communication relating to students directly involved with Instrumental Lessons, Co-curricular Ensembles and all Performing Arts events will be communicated via the College App and email where necessary. 

Music Camp

On Friday 19 January, approximately 110 music students and staff departed for Alexandra Headlands on the annual start-of-the-year Music Camp. Members of the College’s Chamber Choir, Performance Choir, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber and Senior String Orchestras, Wind Orchestra 1, Guitar Orchestra 1 and Big Band 1 were all involved in the intensive ensemble rehearsals to hone their skills for the numerous upcoming performances this year. The camp was a great success with all ensembles producing some fantastic results so early in the year. Students also honed their skills at trivia night and ten-pin bowling and cooled off with a swim in the surf. 2024 looks to be a great year with students already making significant progress on Term 1 repertoire. Thank you to the boys and staff - Ms Megan Harmston, Ms Sam Blakeney, Mrs Catherine Wasserman, Ms Janelle Lee Long, Mr Steve Williamson, Mr Joseph Rabjohns, Mr Zac Moynihan, Ms Melanie Stewart, Mr Alex Hides, Ms Evalyn Legried, Mr Samuel Vincent, Mr Harry Ottley, Dr Jamie Kennedy, Ms Emily Smith, and Mr George Perrers. Thanks also to all families involved - for their communication towards the end of last year and through the holidays, and for their son’s attendance during the last weekend of the Christmas break. 

Co-curricular Music Ensembles and Rehearsal Information

We are pleased to confirm that Co-curricular Ensemble rehearsals for 2023 will also commence in Weeks 2 and 3. Updated ensemble allocations and the rehearsal schedule for all students will be sent out via email before the end of this week (Week 2).

Week 2 Rehearsal Schedule

  • Mon. Chamber Choir rehearsal 7:30am Blue Room
  • Tues. Wind Orchestra 1 rehearsal 7:30am Draney Theatre Green Room 
  • Tues. Chamber Strings rehearsal 7:30am Experimental Theatre
  • Wed. Big Band 1 rehearsal 7:30am Experimental Theatre
  • Wed. Senior Strings rehearsal 7:30am Draney Theatre Stage
  • Thurs. Guitar Orchestra 2 rehearsal 7:30am Draney Theatre Stage
  • Thurs. Symphony Orchestra rehearsal 7:30am Draney Theatre Green Room
  • Frid. Performance Choir Rehearsal 7:30am Draney Theatre Stage
  • Frid. Guitar Orchestra 1 rehearsal 7:30am  Draney Theatre Green Room

Week 3 Rehearsal Schedule

TBA via email and College App at the end of Week 2.

Instrumental Lessons

A reminder that all Instrumental and Voice Lessons will recommence on Monday 29 January, at the beginning of Week 2. Weekly timetables are emailed each Friday (for the following week) and are also posted on the College App. A reminder that Instrumental Enrollments roll over at the end of each year (including from Years 6 to 7). Enrolments are accepted at any time throughout the year so it’s never too late to enrol. Enrolment forms can be found in the Music tile on the College App.

Other News

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Owen Tilbury, Mr Monash Lal, Mr Malcom Wood and Mr Brodie McAllistar who have concluded their time at Marist College Ashgrove. We welcome Ms Samantha Blakeney – Curricular Music and Brass, Mr George Perrers – Trumpet, Ms Sarah Kim – Flute and Mr Zac Moynihan – Percussion to the music faculty for 2024.

Marist Vocal Ensembles

At Marist College Ashgrove, all students have the opportunity to participate in our diverse offerings of the Co-curricular Music Program. Beyond our Instrumental program, the College has two non-auditioned Vocal Ensembles where all students can further involve themselves in College culture through a fun and supportive choral environment. Participation in Co-curricular Ensembles involves the weekly commitment of a morning rehearsal, as well as providing multiple performance opportunities for students throughout the year. Please email if your son wishes to participate in one of these Vocal Ensembles (Please include Year Level and Full Name). 

  • Marist Voices - Open to all students in Years 5 and 6 
  • Performance Choir - Open to all students in Years 7-12 


If you have any concerns or questions about the music program, please feel free to contact us at any time:


Performing Arts Administration Team


Phone: 07 3858 4668